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0.2.0 • Public • Published


Pure JS/IndexedDB okra implementation.

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npm i @canvas-js/okra-browser
import * as okra from "@canvas-js/okra-browser"

const tree = await okra.Tree.open("example")

const toHex = (hash) => ([...hash]).map((byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("")

// all reads and writes take place within transaction callbacks
await tree.read(async (txn) => {
  const root = await txn.getRoot();
  console.log(root) // Object { level: 0, key: null, hash: Uint8Array(16) }
  console.log(toHex(root.hash)) // af1349b9f5f9a1a6a0404dea36dcc949

const encoder = new TextEncoder()
await tree.write(async (txn) => {
  await txn.set(encoder.encode("a"), encoder.encode("foo"))
  await txn.set(encoder.encode("b"), encoder.encode("bar"))
  await txn.set(encoder.encode("c"), encoder.encode("baz"))

  const root = await txn.getRoot();
  console.log(root) // Object { level: 1, key: null, hash: Uint8Array(16) }
  console.log(toHex(root.hash)) // 6246b94074d09feb644be1a1c12c1f50


The basic interfaces are Tree, ReadOnlyTransaction, and ReadWriteTransaction. Trees and transactions form a classical key/value store interface: you can open a tree, use the tree.read((txn) => { ... }) and tree.write((txn) => { ... }) callbacks to open managed transactions, and use the transaction to get, set, and delete key/value entries. Don't create or close transactions directly.

Transactions also have getRoot, getNode, and getChildren methods to access the internal merkle tree. These methods return Node objects. node.key === null for anchor nodes, and node.value === undefined if level > 0 || key === null.

class Tree<T = Uint8Array> {
  public static open<T = Uint8Array>(
    name: string,
    options?: { dbs?: string[]; getID?: (value: T) => Uint8Array },
  ): Promise<Tree<T>>;

  // Open a read-only transaction. Acquires a shared lock that is released when the callback resolves.
  public read<R = void>(
    callback: (txn: ReadOnlyTransaction<T>) => Promise<R> | R,
    options?: { dbi?: string },
  ): Promise<R>;

  // Open a read-write transaction. Acquire an exclusive lock that is released when the callback resolves.
  public write<R = void>(
    callback: (txn: ReadWriteTransaction<T>) => Promise<R> | R,
    options?: { dbi?: string },
  ): Promise<R>;

  public close(): void;


type Node<T = Uint8Array> = {
  level: number;
  key: Key;
  hash: Uint8Array;
  value?: T;
interface ReadOnlyTransaction<T> {
  // get a leaf key/value entry
  public get(key: Uint8Array): Promise<T | null>

  // get internal merkle tree nodes
  public getRoot(): Promise<Node<T>>
  public getNode(level: number, key: Key): Promise<Node>
  public getChildren(level: number, key: Key): Promise<Node<T>[]>
  public seek(level: number, key: Key): Promise<Node<T> | null>

interface ReadWriteTransaction<T> extends ReadOnlyTransaction<T> {
  // set a leaf key/value entry
  public set(key: Uint8Array, value: T): Promise<void>

  // delete a leaf key/value entry
  public delete(key: Uint8Array): Promise<void>




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