
1.1.4-rc26 • Public • Published


This is the Single Sign On application to authenticate with AWS Cognito service.

This project has different targets.

  1. Create a React standalone application. Here
  2. Crerate a library to integrate with other React projects. Here

SSO Application

This is the application to process the authentication of the user using AWS Cognito service.

The application has following features

  1. Authentication of the user
  2. Change password of the user
  3. Forgot password procedure of the user
  4. Control of rotation fo the password

The application is preconfigured with default parameters that you need to customize. You have to set a global object to override values of the configuration. The global object you need to override is global.bookassist.auth


Global properties of global.bookassist.auth

Name Type Description
enviroment enum [ secure | sso ] Define the environment of the authetication. Secure and SSO have different AWS Cognito Pool
authSever url Endpoint of the SSO Server Auth
i18nEndpoint url Endpoint to get JED i18n feed
gaAccount string Google Analytics account
captchaKey string ReCaptcha v2 key to use
confirmWithServer bool If this flag is true, the application confirms with SSO Server Auth the identity of the user. If it's false, the AWS Cognito identity is enough
aws object AWS Amplify configuration

Properties of aws

Name Type Description
Auth object Configuration of the Auth

Example of the global object

  "environment": "secure",
  "authServer": "https://auth.milocalhost.com",
  "i18nEndpoint": "https://api.milocalhost.com/master/i18n/bookassist.i18n.HotelAdminRB/{0}/jed",
  "gaAccount": "UA-25321856-1",
  "captchaKey": "6Lc9vSUTAAAAAGNnZJGco_7GxWAWuZ9n99DSQw1V",
  "confirmWithServer": false,
  "orderActionButtons": "cta-right",
  "aws": {
    "Auth": {
      "identityPoolId": "eu-west-1:d1105de5-c924-4f4c-8e6c-bc5be3df684f",
      "region": "eu-west-1",
      "userPoolId": "eu-west-1_NycYtNl1g",
      "userPoolWebClientId": "p21h8qinoaculq94vmqmahigd",
      "mandatorySignIn": true,
      "authenticationFlowType": "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH",
      "clientMetadata": {
        "userLang": "en",
        "pci": "true"

Build app

This project is using webpack to build the app, so you can execute

yarn install && yarn build:app

After you build the application the result is in the dist directory.

├── ba-sso-component-styles.css
├── config.js
├── favicon
├── fonts
├── images
├── index.html
└── sso.min.js

Docker environment

The project can create a Docker image to run the application. The image is based on nginx.

As same as other apps, you have to build the docker image of this project. To build that, you have to run following command.

docker build -t 479499153175.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bookassist/sso-auth .

For developer environment, you probably want to use a local registry instead of ECR

docker build -t registry.localhost:5000/bookassist/sso-auth .

SSO Library

The project can also create a library to use the component inside an application. The library is take into account you can use the component in different environments.

  1. React Web Application
  2. Standalone in a web page

The library exports some UI components and some functions to work with the component and control workflows.


The library exports 3 components

Component Description
SSOComponent This is to use in a non-react application
SSOReactComponent This is to use in a react application
SSOWrapper This is to use in a react application but using redirections instead of embedded component

Properties of the components

Property Type Controls Description
forceSignIn bool All Flag to force login when control is created. Default false
language string All Language code to translate the keys. Default is "en"
signInUri uri SSOWrapper URI where the control has to redirect when the user is not logged in
enabledAnalytics bool All Flag to enable Google Analytics. Default true
enabledHotReload bool All Flag to enable hot reload. Default true
childrenToControl control All HTML or React controls to render is the user is logged in. Default null
loginFormContainer control SSOReactComponent, SSOWrapper Container where SSO form is mount
withCaptcha bool SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Flag to show captcha on sign in dialog. Default false
checkCaptcha bool SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Flag to check captcha into control. The parameter depends if withCaptcha is enabled. Default is true
minPasswordLength number SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Minimum length of the password. Default 8
displayBehaviour enum [ embedded | wrapper | wrapperWithHeader ] SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Behaviour of the control to wrapper other controls. Default wrapperWithHeader
initialAction enum [ normal | changepass | logout ] SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Initial action if the user is signed in. Default normal
redirect uri SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent redirect URL to redirect after sign in. Default null
callback function SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Callback function. Default null
theme enum [ Classic | Modern ] SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent Theme to use into control. Default Classic
hasTemporaryPassword bool SSOComponent, SSOReactComponent A flag to know if the static use has temporary password. Default false
checkURL bool SSOComponent Flag to parse URL parameters. Default true
container string or HTMLnode SSOComponent The container to put the control. You can set and valid document query parameter or and DOM element. Default "#sso"


The library also exports some functions

Function Description
retrieveUserInformation Retrieve the user information from AWS Cognito
retrieveCredentials Retrieve AWS Cognito Tokens
signOut Sign Out from SSO
changePassword Go to change password form


Retrieve user information of current user


Parameter Type Description


Object that contains following properties

Propety Type Description
username string Username of the current user
userid number Id of the user
accountId string Account linked to the user
name string Full name of the user
email string email of the user
phone string Phoner of the user
lastLoginDate string Last date that the user was logged in
administrator* bool Flag to know if the user is an administrator of the account
hotelId* number The id of the hotel that the user is linked to
guideId* number The guide of the hotel that the user is linked to
hotelGroupId* number The id of the group that the user is linked to

NOTE: * means this field is deprecated


Retrieve AWS Cognito credentials. Usually contains JWT


Parameter Type Description


Object with following properties

Propety Type Description
accessToken string Access token from AWS Cognito
idToken string Identity token from AWS Cognito
refreshToken string Refresh token from AWS Cognito


  "accessToken": "ydashdalk...",
  "idToken": "jbdslkj2783..",
  "refreshToken": "jdkas=_ksajhd..."


Sign out from the Single Sign On globally


Parameter Type Description
message string Message or reason to sign out. Default ''
callback function Callback to execute when signed out. Default () => {}




Go to change password


Parameter Type Description



Build library

To build the library you can execute

yarn install && yarn build:lib

Publish library

You can publish this library to a npm repository.

yarn publish

Using in a React project

First of all you have to include the library in your project

yarn add @bookassist/ba-sso

or you can use npm

npm install @bookassist/ba-sso

You have to wrapper your application with a component

import { SSOWrapper } from '@bookassist/ba-sso'
<SSOWrapper signInUri={ 'https://login.bookassist.com' }>
  <div>My application</div>

In case you want to use only the wrapper, you can import from a compat file

import SSOWrapper from '@bookassist/ba-sso/dist/ba-sso-wrapper'
<SSOWrapper signInUri={ 'https://login.bookassist.com' }>
  <div>My application</div>

Using a function

import { retrieveUserInformation } from '@bookassist/ba-sso/dist/ba-sso-functions';
const myFunction = () => {
  .then(user -> {
    // your code of user

Using in a page

You have to include the CSS file and the Script file. You can pick them from the dist directory after you build the application.

The application needs an HTML container with id sso.

<!doctype html>
    <title>Bookassist SSO</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.signInCallback = function() {
        alert('Signed In');

   <link href="./ba-sso-styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <body class="ha-login">
     <div id="sso"></div>
     <script type="text/javascript">
      <!-- Override values -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="./ba-sso-component.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        SSOComponent = window["ba-sso-component"].SSOComponent;
        var c = new SSOComponent({ "displayBehaviour": "embedded" });




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npm i @bookassist/ba-sso

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  • bookassist