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2.0.5 • Public • Published

Bonsaiswap Smart Order Router

This repository contains routing logic for the Bonsaiswap V3 protocol.

It searches for the most efficient way to swap token A for token B, considering splitting swaps across multiple routes and gas costs.


npm install
npm run build
npx tsc 
node build/main/app.js


Unit Tests

First make sure you have run npm install and npm run build.

npm run test

Integration Tests

Make sure the .env file is configured to connect to mainnet and other chains. See the CLI section below for more details.

npm run integ-test


The package can be run as a CLI for testing purposes.

First create a .env file in the root of the project and configure:


To run on chains other than mainnet set up a connection by specifying the environment variable


Then from the root directory you can execute the CLI.


Some examples to use for manual CLI testing.


./bin/cli quote --tokenIn 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48 --tokenOut 0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984 --amount 1000 --exactIn --recipient 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B --protocols v2,v3


./bin/cli quote --tokenIn 0x5592ec0cfb4dbc12d3ab100b257153436a1f0fea --tokenOut 0x4DBCdF9B62e891a7cec5A2568C3F4FAF9E8Abe2b --amount 200000 --exactIn --minSplits 1 --router alpha --chainId 4

Adding a new Chain

The main components to complete are:

  • Deploy contracts on chain, add the pools to subgraph
  • Populate v3 providers in src/providers/v3/subgraph-provider and src/providers/v3/static-subgraph-provider
  • Populate chainId and addresses in src/util/chains.ts and src/util/addresses.ts
  • Populate token providers in src/providers/caching-token-provider and src/providers/token-provider.ts
  • Populate gas constants in src/routers/alpha-router/gas-models/*
  • Populate bases in src/routers/legacy-router/bases.ts
  • Populate test/integ/routers/alpha-router/alpha-router.integration.test.ts and src/providers/v2/static-subgraph-provider.ts
  • Populate src/routers/alpha-router/*
  • Add a log to /CHANGELOG.md
  • Run npm run integ-test successfully


ProviderGasLimit errors

The package sends many large multicall requests to nodes. You must ensure that your node provider's eth_call gas limit is high enough to succesfully process the RPC calls.

By default each eth_call will consume up to:

  • 132,000,000 gas on Optimism
  • 120,000,000 gas on Arbitrum
  • 50,000,000 gas on Celo
  • 150,000,000 gas on every other network (Mainnet, Goerli, etc.)

These parameters should work on Infura and Alchemy by default.

This total amount of gas each eth_call can consume is equal to the multicallChunk config value multiplied by the gasLimitPerCall config value. If you are using a node provider with a lower gas limit per eth_call you will need to override the default V3QuoteProvider with an instance that lowers the multicallChunk and gasLimitPerCall parameters such that the multiplication is below your node providers limit. Lowering these values will cause each multicall to consume less gas. See here for examples of how to set these values. Note some providers have different limits per chain.

If you are running your own node, we recommend you configure start your node with a higher gas limit per call. For example, on Geth you can use the command line argument --rpc.gascap 150000000 to raise the limit to 150m, which is enough to run the default configuration of this package.

If you are using Hardhat mainnet forking, you should add blockGasLimit: 150_000_000 to your Hardhat config to use the default package configuration.




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  • alcanal