TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.3.2 • Public • Published


A type-safe React hook for internationalized translations.


  • Type Safety: Leverages TypeScript to ensure correct usage of translation keys and replacement values.
  • Dynamic Placeholders: Easily embed variables within your translations (e.g., Hello, {{name}}!).
  • Customizable: Hook provides flexibility for integration into your project's translation workflows.

To ensure type safety and seamless usage with the hook, follow these guidelines when creating your messages:

  • Object Structure: Organize your translations within an object. Each top-level key represents a translation key, and nested objects define translations for different languages.
const messages = {
     welcome: { ... },  // Translation key: 'welcome'
     goodbye: { ... },  // Translation key: 'goodbye'
     // ... more translation keys
} as const;
  • Language Codes: Use standard language codes (e.g., 'en', 'ptBr', 'es') as keys for the nested language objects.
const messages = {
   welcome: {
     en: "Welcome!", 
     ptBr: "Bem-vindo!",
     // ... more languages
} as const;
  • Placeholders: Utilize double curly braces to define dynamic placeholders in your translations.
const messages = {
   itemCount: {
      en: "You have {{count}} items.",
      ptBr: "Você tem {{count}} itens.",
} as const;
  • Type Safety with 'as const': Declare your messages object using as const to help TypeScript infer the exact literal types, aiding type safety within the translation hook.
export const messages = {
  // ... your translations
} as const; 


npm install @betof/react-typefull-translate

Quick Start

  1. Declare the messages and languages
// translations.ts
export type Language = "en" | "ptBr" | "es"

export const messages = {
  welcome: {
    en: "Welcome back, {{username}}!",
    ptBr: "Bem-vindo de volta, {{username}}!",
    es: "¡Bienvenido de nuevo, {{username}}!",
} as const;
  1. Create your hook
// useTranslate.ts
import { useCreateTranslate } from '@betof/react-typefull-translate';
import { type Language, messages } from "./translations";

export const useTranslate = () => {
    const language: Language = "ptBr"; // Get it from your store/url...
    return useCreateTranslate(messages, language);
  1. Use the hook
// App.tsx
import { useTranslate } from "./useTranslate";

export const App = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslate();

  return (
      <h1>{t('welcome', { username: 'Bob' })}</h1> {/* Output will be ""Bem-vindo de volta, Bob!"" */}

Sample dynamic language with Zustand

// translations.ts
export type Language = "en" | "ptBr" | "es"

export const messages = {
  welcome: {
    en: "Welcome back, {{username}}!",
    ptBr: "Bem-vindo de volta, {{username}}!",
    es: "¡Bienvenido de nuevo, {{username}}!",
} as const;
// useTranslate.ts
import { create } from "zustand";
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { useCreateTranslate } from '@betof/react-typefull-translate';
import { type Language, messages } from "./translations";

type UseLanguageStore = {
  language: Language;
  changeLanguage(newLanguage: Language): void;
export const useLanguage = create<UseLanguageStore>()((set) => ({
  language: "ptBr",
  changeLanguage: (newLanguage) => set({ language: newLanguage }),

export const useTranslate = () => {
  const language = useLanguage(useCallback((s) => s.language, []));
  return useCreateTranslate(messages, language);
// App.tsx
import { useLanguage, useTranslate } from "./useTranslate";

import { type Language } from "./translations";
import { useCallback } from "react";

const LANGUAGES: Language[] = ["ptBr", "en", "es"];

export const App = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslate();
  const changeLanguage = useLanguage(useCallback((s) => s.changeLanguage, []));

  return (
      {LANGUAGES.map((lang) => (
        <button onClick={() => changeLanguage(lang)}> {lang} </button>
      <h1>{t("welcome", { username: "Bob" })}</h1>

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  • gilberto_freitas_997