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0.10.9 • Public • Published


Client library for the Blurt blockchain (JSON-RPC connector) that runs in both node.js and the browser. Client library implementing Nexus connector for community management as well.


Via npm

For node.js or the browser with browserify or webpack.

$ npm i @beblurt/dblurt --save

Using browser (cdn or self-hosted script):

Grab dist/dblurt.js from git and include in your html:

<script src="@beblurt/dblurt.js"></script>

Or from the unpkg cdn:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beblurt/dblurt@latest/dist/dblurt.js"></script>

Make sure to set the version you want when including from the cdn, you can also use dblurt@latest but that is not always desirable. See unpkg.com for more information.


In the browser

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@beblurt/dblurt@latest/dist/dblurt.js"></script>
  var client = new dblurt.Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });
    .getDiscussions("trending", { tag: "blurtography", limit: 1 })
    .then(function(discussions) {
      document.body.innerHTML += "<h1>" + discussions[0].title + "</h1>";
      document.body.innerHTML += "<h2>by " + discussions[0].author + "</h2>";
      document.body.innerHTML +=
        '<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">' + discussions[0].body + "</pre>";

This example on stackblitz.io

In node.js

With TypeScript:

import { Client } from "@beblurt/dblurt";

const client = new Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });

for await (const block of client.blockchain.getBlocks()) {
  console.log(`New block, id: ${block.block_id}`);

With ES2016 (node.js 7+):

const { Client } = require("@beblurt/dblurt");

const client = new Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });

async function main() {
  const props = await client.database.getChainProperties();
  console.log(`Maximum blocksize consensus: ${props.maximum_block_size} bytes`);


With node.js streams:

var dblurt = require("@beblurt/dblurt");
var es = require("event-stream"); // npm install event-stream
var util = require("util");

var client = new dblurt.Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });

var stream = client.blockchain.getBlockStream();

    es.map(function(block, callback) {
      callback(null, util.inspect(block, { colors: true, depth: null }) + "\n");


The easiest way to bundle dblurt (with browserify, webpack etc.) is to just npm install @beblurt/dblurt and require('@beblurt/dblurt'). However, that is not always desirable since it will not allow your bundler to de-duplicate any shared dependencies dblurt and your app might have.

To allow for deduplication you can require('@beblurt/dblurt/lib/index-browser'), or if you plan to provide your own polyfills: require('@beblurt/dblurt/lib/index'). See src/index-browser.ts for a list of polyfills expected.


Detailed documentation: https://dblurt.beblurt.com


RPC Client, can be used in both node.js and the browser.

Client Options

options for the Client (Object)

  /** Blurt chain id. Defaults `cd8d90f29ae273abec3eaa7731e25934c63eb654d55080caff2ebb7f5df6381f` */
  chainId?: string
  /** Blurt address prefix. Defaults to main network: `BLT`*/
  addressPrefix?: string
  /** how long to wait in milliseconds before giving up on a rpc call. Defaults to 60 * 1000 ms. */
  timeout?: number
   * Specifies the amount of times the urls (RPC nodes) should be
   * iterated and retried in case of timeout errors.
   * (important) Requires url parameter to be an array (string[])!
   * Can be set to 0 to iterate and retry forever. Defaults to 3 rounds.
  failoverThreshold?: number
  /** Whether a console.log should be made when RPC failed over to another one */
  consoleOnFailover?: boolean
  /** Retry backoff function, returns milliseconds. Default = {@link defaultBackoff}. */
  backoff?: (tries: number) => number
  /** Node.js http(s) agent, use if you want http keep-alive. @see https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_new_agent_options. */
  agent?: any

Client Usage

new Client(address: url | url[], options: ClientOptions = {});



To manipulate a 'owner' | 'active' | 'posting' | 'memo' account public key

eg: verification of the signature of a user message

import { PublicKey } from "@beblurt/dblurt";
const pKey = PublicKey.from("account public key")
const verified = pKey.verify(message, signature)


To manipulate a 'owner' | 'active' | 'posting' | 'memo' account private key

eg: signature of a message

import { PrivateKey } from "@beblurt/dblurt";
const pKey = PrivateKey.from("account private key")
const signature = pKey.sign(message)

Encoding/Decoding Memo

For private memo messages between accounts using private/public memo keys

eg: Blurt transfer with encrypted memo

The encodeMemo() and decodeMemo() functions are called directly from the library.

import { encodeMemo, decodeMemo } from "@beblurt/dblurt"
Encode Memo

The function encodeMemo() takes as parameters:

  • memo - The memo to encrypt (need to start with #).
  • senderPrivateMemoKey - The private Memo key of the sender (PrivateKey | string).
  • receiverPublicMemoKey - The publicKey Memo key of the recipient (PublicKey | string).
const memo = "#MY MEMO TO ENCODE"
const encryptedMemo = encodeMemo(memo, senderPrivateMemoKey, receiverPublicMemoKey)
Decode Memo

The function decodeMemo() takes as parameters:

  • memo - The encrypted memo to decrypt (need to start with #).
  • receiverPrivateMemoKey - The private Memo key of the recipient (PrivateKey | string).
const memo = decodeMemo(encryptedMemo, receiverPrivateMemoKey)


Misc crypto utility functions.

const cryptoUtils = {

Tools Class

Some useful functions like mana with regeneration calculation, vote value calculation, etc...

example for mana:

import { Client } from "@beblurt/dblurt";

const client = new Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });

client.tools.getAccountMana('beblurt').then(mana => {
  const percentMana = ((mana.current_mana / mana.max_mana) * 100).toFixed(2);
  console.log(`voting mana: ${percentMana} %`);

example for convert VESTS to BLURT:

import { Client } from "@beblurt/dblurt";

const client = new Client([
  ], { timeout: 1500 });

/** Get Dynamic Global Properties */
const DGP   = await client.condenser.getDynamicGlobalProperties() 

/** Convert 1,000,000 VESTS to BLURT */
client.tools.convertVESTS(1000000, DGP).then(BLURT => {
  console.log(`1,000,000 VESTS = ${BLURT} BLURT`);

BLURT APPBASE API documentation

Share and Enjoy!


Pull requests for new features, bug fixes, and suggestions are welcome!

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  • beblurt