TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.1-664 • Public • Published

Compiler Library

deploy to npm

Input Params:

  • data (required)
  • context (optional | default = 'editor' | options: editor, preview, publish, host)
  • transform (optional | default = true) | options: true or false

Output Params:

  • html (generated html)
  • output (any information that need to be added to database)

Sample Data

How to use the js version


const sampleData = <sample-data>; // (1)

Working with raw data

const superCompiler = new BannerwiseCompiler.CompilerBuilder(SAMPLE_DATA) // (2)
   .setTransform(true) // default value: true - optional
   .setInjectBaseCss(true) // default value: true - optional
   .setIsStatic(false) // default value: false - optional
   .setContext('editor') // default value: editor - optional

Working with element

const superCompiler = new BannerwiseCompiler.CompilerBuilder(SAMPLE_DATA)
   .setContext('element') // default value: editor - optional

Compiling Stuff

const [html, output] = superCompiler.compile();

Working with BannerUtils

const bannerUtils = ne BannerwiseCompiler.BannerUtils('.element');
// for invalidate element

How to use the NPM Package Version

Install the NPM Package

npm install @bannerwise-packages/compiler --save

Import the Package

import { CompilerBuilder } from '@bannerwise-packages/compiler';

Compiling Stuff

const compiler = new BannerwiseCompiler.CompilerBuilder(SAMPLE_DATA)
   .setTransform(true) // default value: true - optional
   .setInjectBaseCss(true) // default value: true - optional
   .setIsStatic(false) // default value: false - optional
   .setContext('editor') // default value: editor - optional

const [html, output]  = compiler.compile();

Setup Development Environment

Since the compiler is a library it needs a server to run on.

The following repository contains several projects:

Packages Repository

For compiler development we care about two folder:

  • compiler (library itself)
  • server (place to test the npm package)

Setting the compiler project

inside compiler folder

  1. Install dependencies
    • npm install
  2. Build the NPM Package
    • npm run build-npm
  3. Link the Package to Local Node
    • npm link

** Everytime you need to test a change you need to run (it automatically update the lib in the server):

npm run build-npm

Generate JS Dist Files the javascript file generated will be available in the "dist/js" folder

Generate NPM Package Files the javascript and types files generated will be available in the "lib" folder

npm run build-js
npm run build-js-production

Setting the server project

inside server folder

  1. Install dependencies
    • npm install
  2. Link Compiler Package
    • npm link @bannerwise-packages/compiler
  3. Run the Server in Watch Mode
    • npm run start:dev

Filter Condition

data is a object

const filtered = BannerwiseCompiler.ConditionEvaluator.filter(data, {"$or":[{"price":{"$eq":"199.99"}},{"price":{"$gt":"99"}}]});


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var compiler = new BannerwiseCompiler.CompilerBuilder(data).setTransform().setInjectBaseCss().setIsSettingsEnabled().setContext('preview').build();
var [ html, output ] = compiler.compile();
document.querySelector('html').innerHTML = html;




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