
1.23.3 • Public • Published


An accessible native select alternative that makes it easy to choose one or more options.

A dropdown mainly consists of 3 parts.

  • SelectionBox - holds the selected value
  • ListBox - holds the options
  • ListItem - the option itself

You would typically pass an array of options where each option is an object containing at least 2 properties, id & key.

let items = [{ id: "1", key: "Apple"}, { id: "2", key: "Banana" }, ...]

The id property is how Dropdown identifies & knows the item. Naturally, it should be unique. The key property's value will be shown as the list item, so users can easily identify the option they would like to choose.

Dropdown supports multiple selection and filtering on items. Can also be kept open initially and provides the ability to reset programmatically. You may also choose in which order selected items are rendered. This can be useful for cases where you want to retain & restore the original order of user selection.


import Dropdown from "@asphalt-react/dropdown"

function App() {
  let items = [
    { id: "1", key: "Bangalore" },
    { id: "2", key: "Delhi" },

  return <Dropdown items={items} />


Apply the multiSelect prop when you want your user to select more than one item. To enable filtering with multiselect apply the typeahead prop.

For multiselect, use initialSelectedItems instead of initialSelectedItem.

ListBox Flipping

By default ListBox opens up below the SelectionBox. ListBox flips in the opposite side if there is not enough space to render, it improves user experience on small screens.

To disable this behavior, set flip to false.

ListBox flipping doesn't work with multiSelect.


A ListItem can render an Avatar component or an image as a prefix. For example, showing avatars/initials for a list of users.


Internationalization is the process of designing and preparing your app to be usable in different languages. SelectionBox text supports l10n and can be achieved using translate.

translate  only works with the multiSelect.

Keyboard interactions

The Dropdown component is completely keyboard friendly. It is engineered in such a way that the user never needs to move their hand to the mouse, if they so desire.

  • Use Tab to focus the Dropdown.
  • Use any of , , Enter to open the listbox.
  • Use to navigate down the list.
  • Use to navigate up the list.
  • Use shift + ↓ to navigate 5 times down the list.
  • Use shift + ↑ to navigate 5 times up the list.
  • Use Enter to select an option from the list.
  • Use Esc to close the list.

Data Attributes

The Dropdown allows passing data-* attributes to the top level element of Dropdown. data-* are used by Dropdown to identify each of its instances and test its behavior. Dropdown's internal elements have a data-testid attribute which are used for testing purposes.



Array of Objects that dropdown renders

items = [{ id: "1", key: "jakarta", ...]

Complete shape of each object may look like:

   id: "string-to-uniquely-identify-the-item",
   key: "DisplayValue",
   selected: false     // true if this item should be selected
   selectionOrder: 0   // a valid integer to specify the order

Out of the above only id is required. Typically, at the least, provide id and key.

type required default
arrayOf true N/A


Hint text to show when no item is selected

type required default
string false "Select"


Called when selected item changes by user interaction or the Dropdown resets. It receives multiple arguments with the following signature

  • item - item selected by user interaction
  • options(object) - selectedItems key gives an array of selectedItems when multiSelect
 (item, options) => void
type required default
func false N/A


Callback to handle user input in a typeahead enabled Dropdown. It receives the React synthetic event as the argument.

(event) => {}
type required default
func false N/A


Renders the component with the provided size. accepts s, m, l for small, medium & large

type required default
enum false "m"


Stretches the component width to match its container

type required default
bool false false


This is the index value of an item which will be highlighted when Dropdown is initialized or reset

type required default
number false 0


Item which should be pre-selected on initialization. Applies for the first render only.

Note: This prop is going to be deprecated in next major version

type required default
object false N/A


Items which should be pre-selected for multiSelect on initialization. Applies for the first render only.

Note: This prop is going to be deprecated in next major version

type required default
arrayOf false []


Opens Dropdown on initialization

type required default
bool false false


z-index of list box

type required default
number false 1


Disables the Dropdown

type required default
bool false false


Applies invalid styles to the Dropdown

type required default
bool false N/A


Key property name of the items, the key property's value will be shown as the list item

type required default
string false "key"


Dropdown flip according to viewport boundary

type required default
bool false true


Don't show unmatched typeahead items

When typeahead is applied, only the matching items will show up in the list. Passing false will instead show all the unmatched items after the matched items in the list. This way, you can control if all items are shown in the list or not. As a consequence, if filter is false, then the empty state will never appear.

filter has no effect when typeahead={false}

type required default
bool false true


Enables multiple item selection

type required default
bool false false


Function to show custom text in selectionBox in multiSelect

type required default
func false N/A


DOM id of the Dropdown

type required default
string false N/A


Id of the label used for Dropdown. Used for aria attributes.

type required default
string false N/A


Custom reference for reset.

reset does not clear the Dropdown. It resets the Dropdown to its first render. Only works with initialSelectedItem or initialSelectedItems

Note: This prop is going to be deprecated in next major version

type required default
union false N/A


Enables filtering of matched items based on typed keywords. The matching algorithm used gives the end user the best possible user experience.

type required default
bool false false


Show custom text when no result is found

type required default
string false "No Results Found."


Shows the selected items as tags above a multiselect dropdown.

from v1.20.0+

type required default
bool false true

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npm i @asphalt-react/dropdown

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  • shripriya.bhat
  • dawn29
  • itsjay26
  • sayantan1211
  • abhinav.preetu