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This package contains js utilities for the Quick Brick App


  • Follow the steps in the main README to set up the Zapp-React-Native repo, and run the app.
  • add your folder or file
  • import it with
import { utility } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/utility";




attachLifeCycleMethods = (lifecycleMethods: { [name]: method }) => (Component) =>

adds lifecycle methods to any React component (stateless or class). The appropriate method will be used depending on the type of the component. If the component is stateless, it will wrap it in a class before it adds the method to the Component's prototype. Supports all React lifecycle methods except constructor and static getDerivedStateFromProps

import { attachLifeCycleMethods } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/reactUtils";

const MyComponent = (props) => (
    <Text>I'm component</Text>

const lifeCycleDecorator = attachLifeCycleMethods({
  componentDidMount() {
    console.log("I'm mounted");
  componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    console.log("component will change", nextProps, nextState);

export const ComponentWithLifeCycleMethods = lifeCycleDecorator(MyComponent);



  • capitalize: (input: string) => string: sets the first letter of the input string as uppercase
  • toPascalCase: (input: string) => string: transforms a snake_case input string to PascalCase


All following functions are curried and can be either called by f(a, b) or f(a)(b). They work like all curried Ramda functions

  • filterObj: (predicate: any => boolean) => (object: any) => object: any uses the predicate function to filter an object values.
  • mapKeys: (mapper: string => string) => (object: any) => (object: any) maps over an object's keys and applies the mapper function to these keys. Curried function



  • fixColorHexCode: string => string: transforms a AARRGGBB hex code into a RRGGBBAA hex code - this is required because React Native uses RRGGBBAA colors, but Zapp Api provides AARRGGBB



  • findPluginByIdentifier: (identifier: string, plugins: {[string]: Plugin}) => Plugin: find a plugin for a given identifier,in the provided map of available plugins. Returns the entire plugin.
  • findPluginByType: (type: string, plugins: {[string]: Plugin}) => Plugin: find a plugin for a given type, in the provided map of available plugins. Returns the callable plugin module.
  • getNavigationPlugin: (type: string, plugins: {[string]: Plugin}, defaultComponents: ?{[string]: Plugin}: resolves the navigation plugin to use for a given type, from a provided map of available plugins. If provided, will fallback to one of the defaultComponent.



  • getNavigationType: (category: "nav_bar" | "menu", navigations: [Navigations]) => string: retrieves the type of navigation for a given category (either nav_bar or menu), from the navigation data in the layout.json
  • getPathAttributes: (pathname: string) => [{ screenType: string, screenId: string }]: transforms a given route into a map of attributes for that specific route. /foo/bar/baz/qux becomes :
  { screenType: "foo", screenId: "bar" },
  { screenType: "baz", screenId: "qux" },
  • getItemType: (item: any, layoutVersion: 'v1' | 'v2' ) => string: gets the type of a given item in a feed.
  • getItemTargetId: (item: any) => string: gets the target screen id for a given item in a feed.



navigation hooks


useNavigation: (void) => NavigationContext - Hook returns navigation context (See navigation documentation at quick-brick-core)

const navigation = useNavigation();

useBackHandler: (callback: () => any) => void - Adds hardware back button listener to your component.

useBackHandler(() => {
  console.log("HArdware back button clicked");

layout hooks


  • useDimensions: (context : 'screen'|'window' = 'window', {fullDimensions: bool = false, round: bool = false, excludeStatusBar: bool = false }) => { width: number, height: number, scale: number, fontScale, number } | { width: number, height: number } - Hook will be called on initial component mount, will measure the Dimensions and return the result. One every screen or window size change the hook will update it's dimensions.
const dimensions = useDimensions("window", { fullDimensions: true });
  • usePrevious: (value : any) => any - Hook will return previous value that was passed to it. Usefull if you want to replicated behavior of componentDidUpdate(prevState)

Device hooks


  • useIsTablet: () =>boolean - Checks if device is a tablet
const isTablet = useIsTablet();
  • useOrientation: () => 'landscape' | 'portrait' - Checks device orientation
const orientation = useOrientation();

utility hooks


const previousVideo = usePrevious(video);

useEffect(() => {
  if (previousVideo === video) {
    // do something

app hooks


  • useAppState: (returnIsActive?: boolean) => boolean | AppStateStatus - Hook returns current appState, or if parameter set to true, boolean value for appState === "active"
const appState = useAppState();
const isActive = useAppState(true);

screen hooks


  • useCurrentScreenData: () => ZappRiver - Hook returns river data for the current path
const river = useCurrentScreenData();


  • useScreenData: (screenId) => ZappRiver - Hook returns river data for the passed screen id
const river = useScreenData("screen-id");

flatList hooks


  • useSequentialRenderItem: (data : array) => {renderItem: (_renderItem, renderArgs) => Component, allLoaded: boolean} - Hook used for adding sequential loading functionality for mapper functions like map or flatList renderItem.

renderItem - wrapper for renderItem function, inflating it with extra function onLoadFinished that needs to be called when component is ready to be displayed. renderItem wraps the resolution of the _renderItem, in View with the display style set to "none" or "flex";

allLoaded - returns true when onLoadFinished was called for all items.


const data = [{ id: 1 }];
const { allLoaded, renderItem } = useSequentialRenderItem(data);

const _renderItem = ({ item, index, onLoadFinished }) => {
  return <Component />;

return <FlatList data={data} renderItem={renderItem(_renderItem)} />;


const data = [{ id: 1 }];
const { allLoaded, renderItem } = useSequentialRenderItem(data);

const _renderItem = ({ item, index, onLoadFinished }) => {
  return <Component />;

return data.map((item, index) => renderItem(_renderItem, { item, index }));

connection hooks


  • useConnectionInfo: (justOnlineStatus : boolean) => boolean | connectionInfo(NetInfo RN Module ) - Hook will return NetInfo state or boolean for isConnected. Updated on every change in network connection type
const connectionType = useConnectionInfo();
// connectionType = { type: 'wifi', effectiveType: 'unknown' }
const connectionType = useConnectionInfo(true);
// connectionType = true

feed hooks


  • useFeedRefresh: ({ reloadData: function, component: { id: boolean | string, rules: {enable_data_refreshing: boolean, refreshing_interval: number} } }) => void - Hook will call reloadData function, in the specified intervals if enable_data_refreshing is set to true;
useFeedRefresh({ reloadData, component });
  • useFeedLoader: ({ feedUrl: string, pipesOptions?: { clearCache?: boolean, loadLocalFavourites?: boolean, silentRefresh?: boolean} }) => ({data: ?ApplicasterFeed, loading: boolean, url: string, error: Error,reloadData: (silentRefresh?: boolean) => void, loadNext: () => void}) - Hook will load data to the redux store and return a feed for the provided DSP URL. If the data for the provided url was already loaded, it will return that value
const { data, loading, url, reloadData, loadNext } = useFeedLoader({
  feedUrl: "applicaster://fetchData?type=url&url=applicaster.com",

reloadData(); // Reloads data using feedUrl provided to useFeedLoader
loadNext(); // Loads next data, using `next` key from the feed returned by feedUrl request

resolver hooks

  • useComponentResolver hook used to resolve a selected component from the list of plugins and apply decorators on it (optional).

Call signature

type Decorator = (comp: React.Component<any>) => React.Component<any>;
type Props = {
  componentType: string;
  decorators?: Decorator | Array<Decorator>;
type Watchers = Array<any>;

useComponentResolver({ componentType, decorators }, watchers);
  • componentType: plugin identifier of your component
  • decorators(optional): decorator/list of decorators used to decorate your component
  • watchers(optional): list of dependencies to be passed to useMemo hook that wraps componentResolver internally. Useful when component resolution is dependant on external variables. For example, one of the decorators uses external variable that is likely to change.


const viewWrapperDecorator = (Component) => (props) =>

const Container = (props) => {
  const Component = useComponentResolver(
      componentType: "horizontal_list_qb",
      decorators: viewWrapperDecorator,

  return <Component />;


  • useCellResolver Creates cell component, based on passed configuration. Warning: resolution of this hook is memoized outside of RN lifecycle so once cell component is created it will won't be re-calculated, unless component.id changes.

Call signature:

type ZappComponent = {
  id: string;
  styles: {
    cell_plugin_configuration_id: string;

useCellResolver({ component: ZappComponent });
  • component: Zapp component object


const component = {
  id: "123",
  styles: {
    cell_plugin_configuration_id: "ahs733-fnk3f-fsnb21-fbsk235",

const Cell = useCellResolver({ component });


appUtils - orientationHelper


  portrait: 1,
  landscapeRight: 2,
  landscapeLeft: 4,
  landscapeSensor: 6,
  allButUpsideDown: 7,
  portraitUpsideDown: 8,
  all: 15,

allowedOrientationsForScreen: (ORIENTATIONS) => void - Sets allowed orientations for the current screen addOrientationChangeListener: (callback: ({toOrientation: ORIENTATIONS, fromOrientation: ORIENTATIONS)) => listenerInstance - Adds orientation change listener that will call the callback on every allowed orientation change (set with allowedOrientationsForScreen). removeOrientationChangeListener: (listenerInstance) => void - Removes passed listener

Example of how to use orientation handler inside React useEffect hook:

useEffect(() => {
  const listener = addOrientationChangeListener(
    ({ toOrientation, fromOrientation }) => {
      // Do something

  return () => {
}, []);



  • testIDEquals: (testId: any) => boolean | { width: number, height: number } - Function to be used in tandem with enzyme findWhere

appUtils - contextKeysManager


- getKey() fetch value by key from storages(session, local or secure). In case failed to fetch returns null. Key can be:

  • object => { key: 'some_key', namespace: 'namespace'}
  • string with namespace => "some_namespace.some_key"
  • string without namespace => "some_key" in this case we use default namespace="applicaster.v2"


import { ContextKeysManager } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const key = { key: "some_key", namespace: "namespace" };
const value = await ContextKeysManager.instance.getKey(key);

- getKeys() fetch values by keys from storages(session, local or secure). It return structure Map with key=>value. If failed get some value it returns null for it.


import { ContextKeysManager } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const keys = ["key1", "key2", "key3"];
const values: Map<KeyName, ValueOrNothing> =
  await ContextKeysManager.instance.getKeys(keys); // Map([[key1, value1], [key2, null], [key3, value3]])

- setKey() save value by key to one specific storage(session, local or secure). For success save returns . For failed returns . Input: object of that shape => { key, value, storageLevel } - key: string | { key: 'some_key', namespace: 'namespace' }, - value: string | number | boolean | Array | Object;, - storageLevel?: StorageLevel.default | StorageLevel.persisted | StorageLevel.secure

When storageLevel is omitted we use StorageLevel.default.


import {
} from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const key = { key: "some_key", namespace: "namespace" };
const value = "value";
const storageLevel = StorageLevel.persisted;

const resultOfSave: boolean = await ContextKeysManager.instance.setKey(

- setKeys() Save array of values by keys to one specific storage(session, local or secure). For each key can be chosen specific storage. It return structure Map with key => result_of_saving. Result of saving can be in success saving, otherwise . Inputs - array of objects such shape as { key, value, storageLevel } - key: string | { key: 'some_key', namespace: 'namespace' }, - value: string | number | boolean | Array | Object;, - storageLevel?: StorageLevel.default | StorageLevel.persisted | StorageLevel.secure

When storageLevel is omitted we use StorageLevel.default.


import { ContextKeysManager } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const key = { key: "some_key", namespace: "namespace" };
const value = "value";
const storageLevel = StorageLevel.persisted;

const keys = [{ key, value, storageLevel }];

const resultsOfSave: Map<KeyName, boolean> =
  await ContextKeysManager.instance.setKeys(keys); // Map([[key1, true], [key2, false], [key3, true]])

- removeKey() drop value by key in all storages(session, local and secure). If removing was succeed -> return , otherwise . Key can be:

  • object => { key: 'some_key', namespace: 'namespace'}
  • string with namespace => "some_namespace.some_key"
  • string without namespace => "some_key" in this case we use default namespace="applicaster.v2"


import { ContextKeysManager } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const key = { key: "some_key", namespace: "namespace" };
const resultOfRemoving: boolean = await ContextKeysManager.instance.removeKey(

- removeKeys() drop values by keys in all storages(session, local and secure). It return structure Map with key => result_of_removing. Result of removing can be in success removing, otherwise . Key can be:

  • object => { key: 'some_key', namespace: 'namespace'}
  • string with namespace => "some_namespace.some_key"
  • string without namespace => "some_key" in this case we use default namespace="applicaster.v2"


import { ContextKeysManager } from "@applicaster/zapp-react-native-utils/appUtils/contextKeyManager";

const key = { key: "some_key", namespace: "namespace" };
const keys = [key];
const resultsOfRemoving: Map<KeyName, boolean> =
  await ContextKeysManager.instance.removeKeys(keys); // Map([[key1, true], [key2, false], [key3, true]])

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