API Blueprint to Me
Processes API Blueprints both locally and remotely. Useful for pre-processing blueprints which have includes in them and then publishing them to Apiary for example.
Quick Start
- Install the package globally
npm i -g @apib2/me
Command Line Options
apib2me <source:destination> [options]
node ./bin/apib2me.js <source:destination> [options]
Possible values:
Name Description Parameters file Describes a local file source Input: -i <file-name>
, Output:-o <file-name>
apiary Remote Apiary.io source API Name: -a <api-name>
, Access Token:-k <token>
is where the API Blueprint is obtained from. -
is where the processed blueprint is saved.
-i <input>
,--input <input>
Specify a file to obtain the input blueprint from.
-o <output>
,--output <output>
Specify a file for where the processed output will be saved.
-a <api-name>
,--apiName <api-name>
Specify the Apiary api name for your project.
Also known as the API Domain, e.x. api-name.docs.apiary.io
-k <apiary-token>
,--apiaryToken <apiary-token>
Specify the Apiary token which has access to read and write to your API.
Can be obtained from your API settings within Apiary.
Example Commands
Processing a blueprint locally and saving to a new file
Without specifying both an input and destination, the source will be interpreted as both being the same source.
apib2me file -i input-blueprint.md -o output.md
Saving a blueprint from Apiary
apib2me apiary:file -a apiname -k apiarytoken -o output-file.apib
Publishing a blueprint to Apiary
apib2me file:apiary -a apiname -k apiarytoken -i api-blueprint.apib