
1.16.31 • Public • Published

Core Schema

Defines data structure for ABT Node backend API, and maintains schema for GQL endpoint.

Build schema

You can choose one of the following two ways to build schema. It is recommended to build with Docker.

Option 1. Build schema with Docker


  • Docker
docker pull arcblock/blocklet-server-proto
docker run --rm -v {absolute path of core/schema}:/home/root/schema arcblock/blocklet-server-proto

Option 2. Build schema with Go


  • go 1.8+

Install go

# you can use `go env` to check the go environment
go env

Install gnu-sed(MacOS)

# Install(Mac OS), other platform: https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/
brew install gnu-sed
# Make `sed` command work, only for homebrew:
PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

Install protobuf

Add to ~/.profile

vim ~/.profile

# add the profile to the end of the file
# ----------------------------------------------------------

export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn

# you can query the GOROOT/GOPATH/GOBIN by `go env`
export GOROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.15.5/libexec // replace to your local go path
export GOPATH=$HOME/.golang
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin

# ----------------------------------------------------------

source ~/.profile

Install other dependencies

Run make init

If there is a network problem, try to change golang registry by https://goproxy.cn/

Build Schema

Make sure you're in the core/schema directory, run make build

How To Update Schema

Option 1: Manually execute step by step


Ensure that core/schema has been built, please see here.

If you are using mac, you may need replace the sed command with gsed

1. go to core/webapp start a demo endpoint

just run:

npm run open:gql

should make sure the DB Proxy is running, if not, run yarn start in a new terminal

2. go to core/client do finally update

just run:

npm run upgrade

3. finish the update

Option 2: Use command line

In the root directory of the project, run:

npm run update:schema

The execution steps of this command are as follows:

  • Step 1: Execute 'make build' in the 'core/schema' directory
  • Step 2: Execute 'npm run open:gql' in the 'core/webapp' directory
  • Step 3: Execute 'npm run upgrade' in the 'core/client' directory
  • Step 4: Terminate the process started in Step 2




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  • wangshijun
  • polunzh
  • mave99a