Addthis toolbox directive, Re-renders addthis buttons as ngRoute changes views in our app since the addthis buttons only load by default on page load and not when the DOM is updated.
published 0.2.4 8 years agoAngular Skrollr wraps the skrollr.js library to provide a mechanisim for configuring, initialising skrollr and calling skrollr.refresh() when the DOM is updated
published 0.2.1 8 years agoSuperagent middleware for signing requests with a HMAC signature.
published 0.1.3 8 years agoA simple lightweight library for Angular which removes excess text and add ellipsis symbol to end of text before text overflows container
published 1.4.0 6 years agoA simple progressive, responsive, lazy image and video loading library for Angular that detects browser size and loads the appropriate image or video only when the element is in viewport. This package requires @thisissoon/angular-inviewport
published 5.1.0 6 years agoSimple, lightweight infinite scrolling directive for Angular which emits an event when an element has been scrolled to the bottom
published 2.1.0 6 years agoA simple lightweight library for Angular that detects when an element is within the browser viewport and adds a sn-viewport--in or sn-viewport--out class to the element.
published 4.2.2 5 years agoA simple, lightweight library to use Masonry in Angular
published 1.2.0 6 years agoA simple lightweight library to use social sharing widgets in Angular apps
published 1.2.0 6 years agoA simple lightweight library for Angular that detects scroll direction and adds a 'sn-scrolling-up' or 'sn-scrolling-down' class to the element. The library can also detect when the user has scrolled passed the element and apply a 'sn-affix' class. Useful
published 4.1.0 6 years agoA simple lightweight library for Angular which automatically updates links to indicate the currently active section in the viewport
published 2.2.0 6 years agoA simple lightweight library for Angular which returns the number of seconds, minutes, days, months or years since any Date object based on the current system time
published 2.1.0 6 years agoA set of extensions for the Angular CLI
published 1.0.0-alpha.18 6 years ago