ESLint Plugin to enforce a style of snake_case in your project, rather than just disabling camelCase.
published version 2.2.0, 5 years agoShare your social profiles and links on Telegram
published version 0.6.8, 2 years agoTool to help automate your badges of,,, github action and from .all-shieldsrc dotfile for your markdown files. You can use Liquid variables like {{name}} or {{version}} which refer to your package.json. Inspired by al
published version 2.0.2, 4 years agoFit the screen properly in fullscreen mode on monitor with 21:9 aspect ratio.
published version 1.5.2, 4 years agoJSON Token Replace: Replace token string {{name}} in json with values from another json where key is token {"name":"Alex"}
published version 1.2.2, 5 years agoBeautiful Logger for Node.js: the best alternative to the console.log statement
published version 1.8.0, 3 years agoCreate node cli with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new npm command line interface project
published version 3.0.3, 6 months agoCreate your discord bot with this friendly boilerplate. Use this repository as template for your bot
published version 1.0.20210412, 4 years agoCreate your npm library with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new node library/module
published version 2.0.7, 3 years agoCreate your telegram bot with this friendly boilerplate. Use this repository as template for your bot
published version 1.0.20211121, 3 years agoFunny quiz game for telegram groups
published version 0.7.5, 2 years agoPTKDev Stickers for whatsapp, telegram, discord and files png/psd
published version 1.6.3, 4 years agoCreate android and ios mobile app with this friendly Svelte boilerplate for cordova
published version 1.0.20211120, 3 years agoCreate a desktop app with this user friendly Svelte boilerplate for electron
published version 2.0.0, 3 years agoCreate server-side-rendering application with express and this friendly Svelte boillerplate
published version 1.0.20210429, 4 years agoMake javascript game with this friendly kaboom boilerplate made with typescript, svelte and love
published version 1.0.20211105, 3 years agoAdapter for SvelteKit apps that prerenders your entire site as a collection of static files for use with Cordova or Ionic Capacitor (android/ios)
published version 0.3.1, 2 years agoAdapter for SvelteKit apps that prerenders your entire site as a collection of static files for use with Electron
published version 0.3.0, 2 years agoSvelte server-side-rendering built with SEO in mind. Start your project with this friendly svelte kit boilerplate
published version 1.0.20210516, 4 years agoCreate single page application with this user-friendly Svelte boilerplate made with typescript and love
published version 2.0.0, 3 years agoCreate your HTML5 Web Component with Svelte. Made your web components with this user friendly boilerplate
published version 2.0.1, 3 years agoVSCode theme for the night work. Inspired by base16-dark
published version 3.1.0, 4 years agoLast 9 Photos: Instagram Widget of your Instagram Profile for your blog. Show latest 9 pics from your instagram account. (Unofficial Instagram Widget)
published version 2.9.0, 4 years agoMy Patreon Tier Box with avatars and link from rest/json api.
published version 1.1.0, 5 years ago