anim8 your HTML elements with animate.css animations
published version 1.0.2, 6 years agoanim8 your HTML elements with animate.css animations
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published version 0.1.0, 5 years agoA Typescript/JS library for interacting with Google Firebase Database and Firestore
published version 1.0.0, 6 years agoAn in memory TypeScript/JS clone of Firebase & Firestore
published version 1.0.0, 6 years agoA Typescript/JS library for Vue and Google Firebase Firestore
published version 0.10.2, 5 years agoA Typescript/JS library for Vuex and Google Firebase Firestore
published version 0.11.0, 6 years agoA powerful functional iterator, transformer, and mutator - like Underscore.js, except for everything
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published version 1.5.7, 5 years agoA rekord binding to console - implementing Rekord.debug
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published version 1.5.6, 8 years agoA rekord binding to jquery - implementing
published version 1.5.6, 8 years agoA rekord binding to Knex.js - implementing on the server side
published version 1.5.6, 8 years ago