
Viktor Steinke

  • ESLint config built on the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.

    published 2.0.6 6 years ago
  • This Style Guide contains best practices and basic frontend rules to apply when working on an Schwarzhirsch projects.

    published 1.0.15 7 years ago
  • Logger built on the winston logger.

    published 1.0.0 6 years ago
  • This is a node package that used to bundle assets (Javscript, Sass, etc.) that will be provided to a client browser.

    published 1.0.3 6 years ago
  • A babel preset for transforming your JavaScript for Schwarzhirsch.

    published 1.0.4 6 years ago
  • A collections of sass functions, mixins and placeholders.

    published 1.0.3 6 years ago
  • ESLint config built on the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.

    published 2.0.0 4 years ago
  • A babel preset for transforming your JavaScript for Chip&Chap.

    published 2.0.0 4 years ago
  • Logger built on the winston logger.

    published 1.0.0 4 years ago
  • This is a node package that used to bundle assets (Javscript, Sass, etc.).

    published 1.0.0 4 years ago
  • A collections of sass functions, mixins and placeholders.

    published 1.0.0 4 years ago