
0.0.3 • Public • Published

React Build Info

While building a desktop web application using React, I realized that for support purposes I wanted the ability to display the app's build number (or even build date) in the application somewhere, and this module enables that.


To install the module in your project, open a terminal window, navigate to a React project, and execute the following command:

npm install --save-dev react-build-info


When you execute the module, it reads the local React project's package.json file, and, using the file's version property and the current date/time, creates a new file in the project at src/buildInfo.ts containing the following information:

export const buildInfo = {
  buildVersion: "0.0.7",
  buildDate: 1611751534805,

To use the module in a React App, do something like the following:

import React from 'react';

import buildInfo from './buildInfo';
import './App.css';

const buildDate = new Date(buildInfo.buildDate);

class App extends React.Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    console.log(`Build Number: ${buildInfo.buildVersion}`);
    console.log(`Build Date: ${buildDate.toString()}`);

  render() {
    return (
          <h1>Build Info</h1>
        <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet chuck pork chop drumstick pork, rump bresaola swine shankle landjaeger tri-tip filet mignon ham tenderloin. Ham hock strip steak cow jerky pig biltong, drumstick salami beef ribs pastrami fatback spare ribs flank tail. Venison cupim alcatra tongue, drumstick sirloin beef salami cow pork loin brisket jowl. Bresaola flank pork chop ham chislic. Shoulder pastrami sausage, frankfurter meatloaf corned beef pig chicken. Shank chislic spare ribs, turducken fatback swine short ribs ball tip shankle brisket meatball shoulder frankfurter kevin pork chop.</p>
        <footer>By John M. Wargo</footer>

export default App;


Open the project's package.json file and add this process to the existing build script entry, changing:

"build": "react-scripts build",


"build": "npm version patch && react-build-info && react-scripts build",

The npm version patch part of the build step increments the patch version in the package.json file before calling react-build-info.

With this in place, when you execute npm run build to build a production version of the app, npm will update the version number in the project's package.json file, build an updated version of the buildinfo.js file, then generate the production build of the app.

You can find information on many different topics on my personal blog. Learn about all of my publications at John Wargo Books.

If you find this code useful and feel like thanking me for providing it, please consider Buying Me a Coffee, or making a purchase from my Amazon Wish List.


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  • 0.0.3
  • 0.0.2
  • 0.0.1

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  • johnwargo