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4.0.24 • Public • Published


yarn add ccip-sdk


  • OrderBookApi - provides the ability to retrieve orders and trades from the CoW Protocol order-book, as well as add and cancel them
  • OrderSigningUtils - serves to sign orders and cancel them using EIP-712
import { OrderBookApi, OrderSigningUtils, SubgraphApi } from 'ccip-sdk'

const chainId = 100 // Gnosis chain

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({ chainId })

const orderSigningUtils = new OrderSigningUtils()

Quick start

import { OrderBookApi, OrderSigningUtils, SupportedChainId } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'
import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'

const account = 'YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS'
const chainId = 5 // Goerli
const provider = new Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
const signer = provider.getSigner()

const quoteRequest = {
  sellToken: '0xb4fbf271143f4fbf7b91a5ded31805e42b2208d6', // WETH goerli
  buyToken: '0x02abbdbaaa7b1bb64b5c878f7ac17f8dda169532', // GNO goerli
  from: account,
  receiver: account,
  sellAmountBeforeFee: (0.4 * 10 ** 18).toString(), // 0.4 WETH
  kind: OrderQuoteSide.kind.SELL,

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({ chainId: SupportedChainId.GOERLI })

async function main() {
    const { quote } = await orderBookApi.getQuote(quoteRequest)

    const orderSigningResult = await OrderSigningUtils.signOrder(quote, chainId, signer)

    const orderId = await orderBookApi.sendOrder({ ...quote, ...orderSigningResult })

    const order = await orderBookApi.getOrder(orderId)

    const trades = await orderBookApi.getTrades({ orderId })

    const orderCancellationSigningResult = await OrderSigningUtils.signOrderCancellations([orderId], chainId, signer)

    const cancellationResult = await orderBookApi.sendSignedOrderCancellations({...orderCancellationSigningResult, orderUids: [orderId] })

    console.log('Results: ', { orderId, order, trades, orderCancellationSigningResult, cancellationResult })


OrderBookApi - is a main tool for working Since the API supports different networks and environments, there are some options to configure it.

Environment configuration

chainId - can be one of SupportedChainId.MAINNET, SupportedChainId.GNOSIS_CHAIN, or SupportedChainId.GOERLI

env - this parameter affects which environment will be used:

  • for prod (default)
  • for staging
import { OrderBookApi } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({
  chainId: SupportedChainId.GOERLI,
  env: 'staging' // <-----

API urls configuration

In case you need to use custom endpoints (e.g. you use a proxy), you can do it this way:

import { OrderBookApi } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({
  chainId: SupportedChainId.GOERLI,
  baseUrls: { // <-----
    [SupportedChainId.MAINNET]: 'https://YOUR_ENDPOINT/mainnet',
    [SupportedChainId.GNOSIS_CHAIN]: 'https://YOUR_ENDPOINT/xdai',
    [SupportedChainId.GOERLI]: 'https://YOUR_ENDPOINT/goerli',

The client's limiter settings can be configured as well:

import { OrderBookApi } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'
import { BackoffOptions } from 'exponential-backoff'
import { RateLimiterOpts } from 'limiter'

const limiterOpts: RateLimiterOpts = {
  tokensPerInterval: 5,
  interval: 'second',

const backOffOpts: BackoffOptions = {
  numOfAttempts: 5,
  maxDelay: Infinity,
  jitter: 'none',

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi(
  {chainId: SupportedChainId.GOERLI, limiterOpts, backOffOpts},


One way to make the most out of the SDK is to get familiar with its architecture.


Install Dependencies



yarn build

# Build in watch mode
yarn start

Unit testing

yarn test

Code generation

Some parts of the SDK are automatically generated. This is the case for the Order Book API and the Subgraph API

# Re-create automatically generated code
yarn codegen

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