Format JavaScript Standard Style output to a JSON array.
published 1.1.0 5 years agoList of Packages that Use JavaScript Standard Style
published 3.10.0 4 years agoWrapper around Express that provides some convenience setup around it
published 0.6.4 9 years agoJavaScript Standard Style JSX support - ESLint Shareable Config
published 11.0.0 2 years agoVerifies that installed modules comply with the requirements specified in package.json
published 9.3.0 6 months agoA collection of Jekyll utilility methods to generate eg. Jekyll permalinks and slugs
published 0.2.0 5 years agoA collection of Sass color helpers (and some related math helpers). Handles HSL to HSV/HSB conversion etc.
published 2.1.1 8 years agoParses the metadata of a web page. Useful for eg. link previews / embeds
published 2.0.1 8 years agoProvides an Microformats 2 extended MetaDataParser
published 0.4.0 6 years agoMocha's fork of karma-runner/karma-sauce-launcher
published 2.1.0 7 years agoA library to download and launch Sauce Connect.
published 2.0.0 7 years agoFinds intersections between semantic version ranges.
published 6.0.0 a month agoDummy authentication strategy for Passport.
published 1.0.0 6 years agoAdd & update list of Git contributors in package.json
published 1.0.4 5 years ago