
Ilija Vankov

  • a javascript ES7 library for handling complex data transactions

    published 0.0.227 7 years ago
  • a view enabler for fluxtuate and react, enabling you to use react components as views with decorators

    published 0.0.59 7 years ago
  • a plugin to enable a better developer expirience for fluxtuate

    published 0.0.62 7 years ago
  • a plugin to enable routing in fluxtuate via injection of router and helper functions

    published 0.0.99 7 years ago
  • a view enabler for fluxtuate and react, enabling you to use react components as views with decorators

    published 0.0.51 8 years ago
  • A demo of fluxtuate

    published 0.0.4 8 years ago
  • a javascript ES7 library for handling complex data transactions

    published 0.0.30 7 years ago
  • Create a promise from a redux store and a list of expected actions that will resolve in the future

    published 1.2.10 2 years ago