A library of parsers for interconverting between genbank, fasta, and (eventually) sbol through Teselagen's intermediary json format
published 9.3.6 a year agoTeselagen React Component Library
published 30.15.8 a year agoAutomatically generate queries and mutations from Sequelize models
published 0.4.3 7 years agoGraphQL & Relay for MySQL & Postgres via Sequelize
published 5.3.7 7 years agoTeselagen Client Side (browser) SQL Query Builder
published 2.14.3 2 years agoTeselaGen's Knex based query resolver
published 4.1.1 2 years agoOracle Data Modeler CSV Export to Apollo GraphQL Endpoint Generator
published 35.0.13 a year agoobject to read bams (forked from shinout/bamreader)
published 0.2.5 5 years agoBabel plugin to transform imports to be normal in development and code split in production
published 1.0.0 6 years agoCLI bin to help with managing TypeORM database operations
published 5.0.0 6 years agoExample long running process that calculate Pi for testing microservices
published 1.0.0 6 years agoHandles storing and fetching uploaded files in s3 or Minio
published 14.3.0 4 years agoExpress middleware for managing a db backed queue that's accessed using Knex and GraphQL.
published 24.0.2 3 years agoApollo helper methods for working with a react-apollo graphql application
published 3.0.3 3 years agoMonorepo for common backend packages
published 1.1.2 5 years ago