
Rasmus Erik

  • This is a microlibrary with a single function `platformenv.define(global)`, that sets a number of predicates on the global object:`isNodeJs`, `isDevServer`, `isTesting`, and maybe more in the future. Mainly used with solapp apps. Include as: `require("platformenv").define global if typeof isNodeJs != "boolean"` in coffeescript, to make sure it is optimised away in uglifyjs. (The whole reason to have a library that sets properties on the global object is that they can be optimised away, including dead code removal, by uglifyjs when they are defined by the preprocessor).

    published 0.0.1 10 years ago
  • Tool for quickly creating apps

    published 0.0.28 10 years ago
  • Microlibrary that converts jsonml into html strings

    published 0.0.6 10 years ago
  • Microlibrary to get a color given a string

    published 0.0.3 10 years ago
  • Hack to quickly make apps using a single coffeescript source

    published 0.1.7 10 years ago
  • micro library with various utility functions

    published 0.0.12 10 years ago
  • javascript utilities for working xml, mainly in jsonml in array form

    published 0.0.2 10 years ago
  • <!-- MACHINE GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT - USE `./dev.sh` --> # muBackend.js

    published 0.1.2 8 years ago
  • client-side nodejs-like require using unpkg

    published 0.2.7 7 years ago
  • <img src=https://p2pweb.solsort.com/icon.png width=96 height=96 align=right>

    published 0.0.4 7 years ago