Tool for parsing chat files and outputting replayable activities
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agoOne-stop-shop CLI to manage your bot’s resources. BF CLI and AZ CLI together cover your end-to-end bot development workflow needs.
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agobase class for Microsoft Bot Framework CLI commands
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-cli-config ========================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-qnamaker ======================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agoThis package is intended for Microsoft use only. It is not designed to be consumed as an independent package.
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-luis-cli ======================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-cli-plugins =========================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-lg-cli ======================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years ago@microsoft/bf-dialog ====================
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agoDispatcher contains a Softmax learner initially used for auto-active-learning down-sampling and a ML confusion-matrix evaluator on intent classification models.
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agoAPIs to interact with BF Orchestrator.
published version 4.15.0, 3 years agoLu utterances down sampling tool
published version 4.12.0-beta.20210322.314475a, 4 years agoInstantiates a Bot Framework bot using the [component model]( This template instantiates an empty bot with no dependent packages.
published version 1.0.0-preview-20210310.b1439c8, 4 years agoPreview conversational core package for TESTING ONLY
published version 1.0.0-preview-20210310.b1439c8, 4 years agoYeoman generator for creating an Adaptive Bot application built on top of the Microsoft Bot Framework SDK and runtime.
published version 1.0.0-preview-20210310.8ee9434, 4 years agoPreview calendar bot for TESTING ONLY
published version 0.0.1-preview-20210325.590b20b, 4 years agoPreview Calendar Assistant template for TESTING ONLY
published version 0.0.1-preview-20210325.590b20b, 4 years agoContains Adaptive Dialog assets to support Help and Cancel conversational flows in a bot built on the Azure Bot Framework.
published version 1.4.0, 3 years agoAn Adaptive Dialog for greeting new and returning users on first interaction with your bot built on the Azure Bot Framework.
published version 1.4.0, 3 years agoYeoman generator for creating a base bot built on the Azure Bot Framework and the Adaptive stack.
published version 1.4.2, 2 years agoYeoman generator for creating an assistant-style bot with NLP built on the Azure Bot Framework.
published version 1.0.0-rc6, 4 years agoYeoman generator for creating an Adaptive bot built on the Azure Bot Framework using the Calendar template.
published version 1.0.0-rc6, 4 years agoYeoman generator for creating a simple conversational bot with NLP built on the Azure Bot Framework.
published version 1.0.0-rc6, 4 years ago