
  • ReactJS / ES6 form library with 1) Material UI 2) automated validation and feedback 3) and state management, to show submit/reset/loading buttons automatically

    published 1.1.16 6 years ago
  • Secret package, for an interview assignment

    published 1.0.9 6 years ago
  • This is a copy of Adding experimental changes. Did 'npm install paulshorey/markdown-folder-to-html', so am able to experiment with 'latest' version of this module in my npm projects. When stable, will ope

    published 0.0.18 5 years ago
  • No dependencies. No setup required. Easily integrate with Cloud logging (LogDNA, etc). Visually group similar types of logs in the terminal. Show a concise file/line trace for each message - so you can actually find where it's originating without looking

    published 1.1.0 2 years ago
  • Local module, import as a node module path. Install with `npm link ./path/to/here`

    published 0.1.3 3 years ago
  • Local module, import as a node module path. Install with `npm link ./path/to/here`

    published 0.1.4 3 years ago
  • A growing library of useful functions for data manipulation in JavaScript. Also abstractions to help with everyday web development, working with URL queries, network requests, promises, etc.

    published 0.3.18 3 years ago
  • Universal utility functions for both browser and node (like @lodash, but with more dashes). Mostly "pure" functions (sorting ones use [].sort()). Promises, filtering, sorting, combining, text analysis, math, curry, sleep, etc. See also platform specific f

    published 0.5.8 3 years ago
  • Utility functions specifically for Node.js. HTTP requests, CLI arguments, promises, operating system, version, etc. See also @twodashes/universal and @twodashes/browser

    published 0.4.11 3 years ago
  • Utility functions for the browser. Querystring parsing, HTTP requests, promises, Retina display, operating system detection, etc.

    published 0.4.12 3 years ago
  • Horizontal carousel for images, videos, divs. Supports variable width content! Easily style and customize.

    published 0.2.5 3 years ago
  • Universal utility functions for both browser and node (like @lodash, but with more dashes). Mostly "pure" functions (sorting ones use [].sort()). Promises, filtering, sorting, combining, text analysis, math, curry, sleep, etc. See also platform specific f

    published 0.1.0 8 months ago
  • I believe CSS and JS can live in harmony. This is an experimental codebase to try out new and old techniques together. Built to use locally in a monorepo, but available from public npm registry. `yarn add @techytools/ui`

    published 0.0.5 a year ago
  • No dependencies. No setup required. Easily integrate with Cloud logging (LogDNA, etc). Visually group similar types of logs in the terminal. Show a concise file/line trace for each message - so you can actually find where it's originating without looking

    published 0.0.6 a year ago
  • Interactive react component for displaying javascript arrays and JSON objects. From package react-json-view

    published 1.2.0 a year ago
  • No dependencies. No setup required. Easily integrate with Cloud logging (LogDNA, etc). Visually group similar types of logs in the terminal. Show a concise file/line trace for each message - so you can actually find where it's originating without looking

    published 0.1.0 8 months ago
  • published 0.1.0 8 months ago