A small library to help get you implement beautiful, responsive, and satisfying skill trees into your React applications.
published version 0.0.1-rc.8, 2 years ago### COFNFIG 1. You'll need an .env file similar to .env-sample with the required keys: a. COOKIE_STORAGE_KEY <string> - used for cookie storage retrieval from browser localstorage
published version 0.0.1-rc.1.1, 2 years agoPAST3LLE common hooks e.g useDetectIntoView, useDebounce, etc.
published version 2.1.2, 2 months agoPAST3LLE Skilltree as an NPM importable ESM React widget component
published version 0.0.4, 2 years agoPAST3LLE FORGE Web3 hooks and tings
published version 2.3.2, 2 months agoPAST3LLE FORGE as an NPM pkg. ESM React widget component
published version 0.0.8, 2 years agoPAST3LLE SKILLFORGE web3 hooks and tings
published version 0.0.64, 2 years agoPAST3LLE SKILLFORGE component as an NPM ESM pkg.
published version 2.3.2, 2 months agoPASTELLE carousel animation hooks built on top of @usegesture and react-springs
published version 2.1.2, 2 months agoPAST3LLE animated carousel built with @past3lle/carousel-hooks, usegesture, and react-springs
published version 2.1.2, 2 months agoPast3lle enhanced V2 Wagmi connectors
published version 2.3.2, 2 months ago