
Peter Collins

  • React component for style encapsulation. Create scoped styles within your components, also compatible with material-design styled components. Works with the Shadow DOM API and essentially renders the content of the component within the Shadow DOM.

    published 1.0.13-0 4 years ago
  • A set of utilities for state management in web apps, integrates well with front-end state management libraries like redux and vuex, and can be used on server side as well. It defines methods for mutating keys and values in a conventional javascript object

    published 1.0.9 3 years ago
  • Generates a quick visual overview of your project providing pictorial views (maps) of file and folder names, file and folder size, file and folder structure, component structure, dependency graph (assets), and extraneous file tracking.

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • published 1.7.1 a month ago