Angular 2 message module for displaying errors,infos,warnings,successes to user.
published 0.1.4 8 years agoGantt chart. Elastic javascript gantt chart. Vue gantt. jQuery gantt.
published 0.0.59 6 years agoGantt chart. Elastic javascript gantt chart. Vue gantt. Project manager responsive gantt. jquery gantt.
published 1.0.12 4 years agoSvelte deep store - react only when specified property of the object was changed.
published 1.1.5 5 years agoDeep state observer is an state management library that will fire listeners only when specified object node (which also can be a wildcard) was changed.
published 5.5.13 2 years agoCompilation-less and eval free frontend framework for fast scalable apps.
published 4.2.15 2 years agoGantt, Schedule, Timeline, Calendar components all in one. [gantt, timeline, schedule, scheduler, calendar, booking, gantt chart, reservation, javascript gantt, javascript timeline, javascript schedule, javascript scheduler, javascript calendar, javascrip
published 3.37.5 2 months ago<h1 align="center">REACT WRAPPER FOR <a href="">gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar</a></h1>
published 3.0.8 4 years agoAngular version of gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar [ angular gantt, angular schedule, angular timeline, angular calendar, angular schedule timeline, angular gantt schedule, agngular booking ]
published 1.1.22 4 years ago<h1 align="center">VUE WRAPPER FOR <a href="">gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar</a></h1>
published 3.0.44 4 years agomicro web server (faster express alternative with dynamic routing - you can add/remove routes while your app is running)
published 1.1.1 4 years agoLibrary for generating and validating software license keys with data embedded in the key.
published 1.0.0 4 years ago