
Manojkumar Muthukumar
  • Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.

    published 4.0.3 4 days ago
  • A tags input is a UI component which allows the user to insert multiple entries as tags into an input field. Also known as Tagging/Tokenizing system. You can find this system on most major websites.

    published 3.1.6 4 days ago
  • Angular library which provides a way prevend image rendering when the image loading failed with custom replacement image and provide extracted meta info from the image.

    published 0.2.9 4 days ago
  • String operations for angular projects.

    published 3.0.6 4 days ago
  • A Web console is a tool which is mainly used to log information associated with a web page like: network requests, JavaScript, security errors, warnings, CSS etc. It enables us to interact with a web page by executing JavaScript expression in the contents

    published 3.0.6 4 days ago
  • Generates specified length of strings / digits for password | Otp | unique identification purposes

    published 3.0.6 4 days ago
  • Convert your color value to different variants. Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them.

    published 3.0.6 4 days ago
  • Array class is a global object that is used in the construction of arrays; which are high-level, list-like objects.

    published 3.0.7 4 days ago
  • Push notifications to your visitors with a toast, a lightweight and easily customizable alert message with custom theme based.

    published 3.0.7 4 days ago
  • Angular library which provides device information / type / name and also it provides much more device independent features & informations.

    published 3.0.7 4 days ago
  • Angular library which checks the permission status and returns the permission status for the following api's .push, midi, camera, microphone, speaker, device-info, background-fetch, background-sync, bluetooth, persistent-storage, ambient-light-sensor, acc

    published 3.0.6 4 days ago
  • The CSS scrollbars styling module defines properties that you can use for visual styling of scrollbars. You can customize the width of the scrollbar as required.

    published 0.1.1 4 days ago
  • The CSS cursor property specifies the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over an element. It can be used to change the cursor to a variety of different shapes, such as a hand, a crosshair, or an arrow.

    published 0.0.4 4 days ago
  • Angular library which provides color picker functionality to your angular application.

    published 0.0.9 4 days ago