Command Line Interface Application to support and enhance Aura Helper Plugin for VSCode or work with it with your salesforce projects. Specially designed for DevOps workflows. Deprecated and replaced by Aura Helper SFDX Plugin (
published version 4.0.3, 3 years agoCore libraries for Aura Helper CLI, Aura Helper Extension and the rest of @ah libraries. Contain Util classes, Aura Helper Datatypes, Process Manages and Utils values
published version 2.7.0, a year agoPowerfull Libraries to get the XML Definitions of ALL XML Salesforce Metadata Files. Support All API Versions up to API 53.0. You can get the definition of one or more XML files for a specific version of Salesforce. For Example: You can get the XML Defini
published version 2.0.1, 3 years agoLanguage Libraries to work with XML, Aura, Apex... files. tokenizers, parsers, system classes and much more
published version 2.1.6, a year agoAura Helper Git Manager Module its a module to handle and manage all git operations and commands.
published version 2.1.5, a year agoLibrary to create Aura Helper Metadata types from SFDX Responses, Local Project or other data sources
published version 2.1.6, a year agoLibraries to compress any Salesforce Metadata XML Files to change the format. This library make easy the work with GIT and other Version Control Systems because grant always the same order of the elements, compress the file for ocuppy less storage and mak
published version 2.0.2, a year agoAura Helper Dependencies Manager Module is a module to handle, check or repair automatically the salesforce's project dependencies. This module analize your local project, and repair the metadata files accordinglly
published version 2.0.2, a year agoAura Helper Ignore Metadata Module is a powerfull module to exclude a specified metadata from your Salesforce Project or Package XML Files. This module will be util in some use cases, like Custom Label values unique for every environment (like ids...), or
published version 2.0.1, a year agoModule to handle Aura Helper CLI and Aura Helper SFDX processes used in Aura Helper VSCode Extension
published version 2.2.2, a year agoAura Helper Package Generator Module to create Salesforce XML Package, to deploy, retrieve or delete elements on your Org. Support to create package from JSON File, Git Diffs or Mergin other packages.
published version 2.1.1, a year agoPowerfull Libraries to connect with Salesforce to list, describe, deploy or retrieve metadata types. Also can describe SObjects, Create Projects, Authorize Orgs, Execute Queries, Export or Import Data... To the correct work of this library, you need to ha
published version 2.3.0, a year agoAura Helper CLI aplication Tools converted into SFDX Plugin
published version 1.2.2, a year agoModule to handle and work with Atlassian Stash projects and repositories throug REST API. Admin your repositories and projects in Stash easy. This project is not an Atlassian official project but use the Atlassian Stash REST API
published version 0.0.4, 2 years agoCLI application to manage and work with Atlassian Stash. Work with your Stash project and repositories from Command lines.
published version 0.0.6, 2 years agoModule to handle and work with Atlassian Jira Server throug REST API. Admin your projects and issues in Jira easy. This project is not an Atlassian official project but use the Atlassian Jira Server REST API
published version 0.0.3, 2 years agoCLI application to manage and work with Atlassian Jira. Work with your Jira projects and issues (amonth to many other options) from Command lines.
published version 0.0.4, 2 years agoPlugin for SF CLI to addapt sfdx-aura-helper plugin to the new SF CLI Tool. This CLI contains to many util commands for every Salesforce Project. List and Describe metadata types, create package files from many sources (including git), maintenance your lo
published version 1.3.2, 5 months ago