A OVH Logs Data Platform TCP/TLS transport for winston
published 0.3.3 7 years agoCopy of kriskowal/q for ovh control panels
published 0.3.1 7 years agoFORK - An Angular.js directive that generates a responsive, data-driven vertical timeline to tell a story, show history or describe a sequence of events.
published 1.5.2 7 years agoOVH simple country list provide a 'full' (ISO-3166-1) list of countries with translation possibility.
published 0.0.9 7 years agoComponent to correctly show contracts in OVH control panels
published 2.0.0 7 years agoGrunt task to convert xml translations into json files
published 2.1.2 7 years agoAngular directive to paginate in front end
published 7.0.0 7 years agoAngular directove to wrap jqueri ui droppable module
published 0.1.1 7 years agoA poller to swim easily to success status!
published 3.0.0 7 years agoAllow to draw links between elements using [jsplumb toolkit](http://www.jsplumb.org/).
published 3.0.5 7 years ago