
Iulian Radu

  • A react SELECT component based on react-select and looking like a material-ui component

    published 9.3.1 4 months ago
  • A material-ui PASSWORD component which allows to see/hide the input text of the field

    published 1.0.2 6 years ago
  • A material-ui INPUT component which allows to see/hide the password text of the field and to clear the input value

    published 3.1.1 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which looks like a TEXTFIELD grouping together a checkbox and a provided component

    published 4.1.1 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which looks like a TEXTFIELD grouping together a dropdown and an input components

    published 4.1.0 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which allows to edit a user defined set of fields representing a filter and display it as a text or a form

    published 3.1.0 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which combines a checkbox and a label in a single component

    published 3.1.1 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which implements a iOS like switch

    published 4.1.1 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which implements a iOS like switch with a label on each side

    published 4.1.0 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which display an image from different sources based on the page's current width (based on material-ui defined breakpoints).

    published 1.1.0 5 years ago
  • A material-ui component which display an image from different sources based on the page's current width (based on material-ui defined breakpoints).

    published 2.2.0 5 years ago
  • A material-ui component which applies different CSS to a child component based on the page's current width (based on material-ui defined breakpoints).

    published 3.1.1 4 months ago
  • It provides a javascript class for accessing the Edgy API from a μApp (micro App)

    published 1.3.1 4 years ago
  • It allows you to select one of the timezones defined by Moment.Timezone from a material-ui like dropdown component

    published 3.1.0 4 months ago
  • An analog clock with a dark and a light theme

    published 3.0.2 4 months ago
  • An icon displaying a tooltip on hover.

    published 3.1.1 4 months ago
  • A digital digit which can display any digit from 0 to 9 and a component which can be used to create a custom sign by lighting different segments of it.

    published 2.0.2 4 months ago
  • A digital clock with a dark and a light theme

    published 2.0.1 4 months ago
  • A DnD list with a custom renderer for its items.

    published 3.0.2 4 months ago
  • An editable DnD list.

    published 2.0.0 a year ago
  • A simple ToDo list.

    published 2.0.2 4 months ago
  • A material-ui component which display an image from different sources based on the page's current width (based on material-ui defined breakpoints).

    published 3.0.0 a year ago
  • A React component to show its children only when it is displayed in development.

    published 2.0.2 4 months ago
  • A react component which makes all its instances having the same id to have the maximum hight of their children.

    published 2.0.2 4 months ago
  • A React component for managing the user consent related to GDPR.

    published 1.2.3 4 months ago
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