Simple caching for Node. Like, really simple.
published version 0.1.1, 13 years agoA small collection of d3-esque interpolation methods
Convert special UTF-8 characters in a string to their HTML escape code equivalents.
published version 0.0.1, 12 years agoSplit a big canvas element into a grid of lots of little canvas elements
Find the first element in an array that passes a callback test. Equivalent to underscore.find()
Provides a readable stream alternative to `git-log`, so you can access your git history through Node.
Allows you to swap around the order of a function's arguments by index.
Browserify-friendly version of `THREE.CopyShader`
@alteredq's EffectComposer plugin for three.js ported for use with Browserify
Colour grading post-processing shader for voxel.js
Turn HTML-escaped characters and tags back into plain text.
Tiny task-based module for whipping up "hookable" build scripts
Magic-free streaming SSH config parser/stringifier