

  • Typeboost.css is a set of CSS rules to ensure readable, scalable and responsive typography. REMs are used for font sizes, paddings, and margins. It's like typography normalizer. No dependencies. Wrap your HTML content with class .col and you are done.

    published 0.1.12 3 years ago
  • 16pixels.css is a set of CSS rules to ensure consistent 16 pixels based typography. Pixels are used for font sizes and line heights, as well as for paddings and margins. Can be used as typography normalizer. No dependencies. Wrap your HTML content with cl

    published 0.1.13 3 years ago
  • early.js is a bunch of third-party JS libraries is meant to be included first in your HTML markup

    published 0.1.2 9 years ago
  • QR code generating with vanilla js (SVG Element, Data URI SVG String, Data URI PNG String, HTML Table Element).

    published 0.1.11 3 years ago
  • Responsive no-jQuery pure JS/CSS Lightbox for iframes, no dependencies, customizable aspect ratio, 5kb unminified source code, with demo

    published 0.2.11 3 years ago
  • Cross-browser JavaScript shim that fully implements element.classList (referenced on MDN)

    published 1.2.20180112 6 years ago
  • Responsive no-jQuery pure JS/CSS Lightbox for images, no dependencies, 10kb unminified source code, with demo

    published 0.2.6 3 years ago
  • typeboost-uwp.css is a set of CSS rules to ensure readable, scalable and responsive typography. REMs are used for font sizes, paddings, and margins. Can be used as typography normalizer. No dependencies. Wrap your HTML content with class .col and you are

    published 0.1.11 3 years ago