
  • vuejs 下拉翻页组件

    published 1.0.7 8 years ago
  • An iOS like select box component for React

    published 0.3.1 5 years ago
  • An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation

    published 4.13.22 5 years ago
  • BY-HEALTH data validation

    published 1.1.9 6 years ago
  • 汤臣倍健营养家 APP JSSDK

    published 0.0.12 6 years ago
  • By-Health Native App Jssdk.

    published 2.7.0 2 years ago
  • ```sh npm i share-wechat ```

    published 1.2.1 5 years ago
  • react pull to refresh react component

    published 1.0.7 6 years ago
  • react pull to refresh react component

    published 2.0.4 2 years ago
  • 查看文档 [document](http://wx-test.by-health.com/web/points2020/#/)

    published 4.0.51 5 months ago
  • 弹窗模块,需要promise polyfill <a href="http://www.eightfeet.cn/ModalV2/lib/index.html" traget="_blank" >demo</a>

    published 2.2.30 2 years ago
  • 地址选择器 AddressPicker extends MobileSelect <a href="http://www.eightfeet.cn/AddressPicker/dist/index.html" traget="_blank" >demo</a>

    published 1.0.5 5 years ago
  • 弱提示模块,需要promise polyfill <a href="http://www.eightfeet.cn/MessageV2/lib/index.html" traget="_blank" >demo</a>

    published 2.0.25 2 years ago
  • Loading模块,需要promise polyfill <a href="http://www.eightfeet.cn/Loading/dist/index.html" traget="_blank" >demo</a>

    published 2.0.8 2 years ago
  • ```javascript [ { "prizeId": 1, "prizeType": 0, // 未中奖 "prizeName": "一等奖", "status": 1, "awardMsg": "亲!恭喜您获得一等奖!", "prizeImg": "./assets/prize1.png", "memo": "

    published 1.1.14 5 years ago
  • ```javascript /** * * @param { Object } params * params = {playerPhone, receiverName, receiverPhone, cardIdRequest, region, regionName, address, idCard} * @memberof AddressModal */ updateParams = (params) ```

    published 1.2.12 5 years ago
  • ```javascript /** * * @param { Object } params * params = {playerPhone, receiverName, receiverPhone, cardIdRequest, region, regionName, address, idCard} * @memberof AddressModal */ updateParams = (params) ```

    published 1.0.26 5 years ago
  • ```javascript import { /** * * 地址弹窗 * @class AddressModal * @extends {Modal} */ AddressModal, /** * 中奖结果弹窗 * @class ResultModal * @extends {Modal}

    published 1.3.3 5 years ago
  • ```javascript /** * * @param { Object } params * params = {playerPhone, receiverName, receiverPhone, cardIdRequest, region, regionName, address, idCard} * @memberof AddressModal */ updateParams = (params) ```

    published 1.0.28 5 years ago
  • walle瓦力,是抽奖游戏模块化的大管家,它始于抽奖但不止于抽奖,可应用到其他项目。

    published 1.0.30 2 years ago
  • 转盘抽奖 [demo](https://by-healthfed.github.io/venom-lotteryroulette/dist)

    published 1.0.28 5 years ago
  • 翻牌抽奖 [demo](https://by-healthfed.github.io/venom-lotteryflip/dist)

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  • 九宫格抽奖 [demo](https://by-healthfed.github.io/venom-lotteryboxroulette/dist)

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  • 抽奖 [demo](http://www.eightfeet.cn/venomV2/dist/demo/index.html)

    published 1.2.42 2 years ago
  • ```sh npm install @eightfeet/picker ``` > 也可以通过```<scrip src="yourpath/picker.js"></scrip>```来安装Picker,window下会创建一个属性名为\_\_\_Picker\_\_\_的构造方法;

    published 1.0.14 3 years ago
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