Micromodule script to deduplicate instances of Fluid's "Infusion" throughout an npm module tree
published 1.0.0 9 years agoAn XUnit unit testing framework (in the style of JUnit) for node.js, using QUnit as the underlying engine
published 1.1.9 3 years agoA command line tool and node module that can be used to simplify the process of publishing a module to NPM. This is particularly useful for creating development releases, e.g. nightly or continuous integration releases.
published 2.4.1 3 years agoEnables a project to split its files into a set of modules. A module's information is stored in a json file containing a name for the module, the files it contains, and other modules it depends on. The module files can then be accumulated into various con
published 0.4.0 6 years agoSVG icons for use in Infusion
published 1.0.0-dev.20171003T175157Z.6251d4e 7 years agoHyphenation patterns for use with Hypher
published 0.2.2-dev.20181115T211247Z.d313a52 6 years agoA library to standardise resolving "globbed" file patterns within Fluid projects.
published 1.0.7 2 years agoA Grunt plugin to run all Fluid lint checks.
published 2.0.0 4 years agoFluid components to model an express server and associated router modules.
published 1.0.20 5 months agoA series of Fluid components that help write tests using the WebDriver API.
published 1.1.2 4 years agoA library to assist in using Testem within the Fluid ecosystem.
published 2.2.1 a year agoThis package provides a mechanism for binding [Fluid view component](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/tutorial-gettingStartedWithInfusion/ViewComponents.html) model variables to DOM elements using [selectors](http://docs.fluidproject.org/
published 2.0.0 2 years agoThis package provides components to assist in rendering handlebars templates both on the server and client side.
published 2.1.5 4 years agoThis package provides [Fluid components](http://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/UnderstandingInfusionComponents.html) that wrap [PouchDB](https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb) and [express-pouchdb](https://github.com/pouchdb/express-pouchdb). You
published 1.0.17 4 years agoA launcher that merges options from the command line, environment, options files with the launcher defaults.
published 1.0.0 4 years agoA library to assist in testing CouchDB integration within the Fluid ecosystem.
published 1.1.1 4 years agoSupport validation of JSON within the Fluid ecosystem.
published 2.1.7 4 years agoA Fluid component that provides an SMTP server and client that can be used for testing purposes.
published 1.0.8 4 years agoA Fluid component to relay changes in model state to and from the browser's location bar.
published 1.0.7 4 years agoA library for describing the differences between two JSON structures.
published 1.0.1 3 years ago