Thekla is a Screenplay pattern implementation and consists of the two modules, thekla-core (screenplay pattern libs) and thekla (command line interfae)
published 1.22.14 5 years agoscreenplay pattern implementation using typescript and webdriver
published 3.5.0 2 years agohelper functions to annotate web elements during testing sessions.
published 3.5.0 2 years agohelper functions to log the actors activity during a test session
published 3.5.0 2 years agothe SPP (ScreenPlay Pattern) core elements used to create abilities and interactions
published 3.5.0 2 years agoUseTheRestApi ability to write REST API tests in the screenplay pattern style
published 3.5.0 2 years agoWebdriverIO wrapper providing the foundation for the SPP web and mobile abilities
published 3.5.0 2 years agoBrowserTheWeb and OperateOnMobileDevice abilities to write e2e tests in the screenplay pattern style
published 3.5.0 2 years agojunit result formatter for cucumber
published 3.5.0 2 years agothe SPP (ScreenPlay Pattern) assertion library
published 3.4.0 4 years ago