Pa11y-ci reporter that generates HTML reports - summary report and detailed reports for each page
published 7.0.0 a month agoGet built-in environment variables exposed by GitLab CI.
published 10.0.0 5 months agoPage Load Tests performs automated tests requiring a web page loaded in a browser window (e.g. horizontal scrollbar, console errors)
published 3.0.0 4 years agoStandard ESLint configuration settings
published 32.0.0 4 days agoGets the contents of a specific release from a changelog
published 6.0.1 3 months agoPagean is a web page analysis tool designed to automate tests requiring web pages to be loaded in a browser window (e.g. horizontal scrollbar, console errors)
published 12.1.3 2 days agoTest Node executable commands specified via bin.
published 6.0.0 5 months agoGenerate arguments for GitLab release-cli command
published 8.0.4 3 months agoStandard StyleLint configuration settings
published 18.0.1 3 months agoPa11y CI reporter that outputs the URL and a count of the errors/warning/notices for each page to stdout
published 4.0.0 a month agoPa11y CI Reporter Runner is designed to facilitate testing of Pa11y CI reporters. Given a Pa11y CI JSON results file and optional configuration it simulates the Pa11y CI calls to the reporter.
published 5.0.2 2 months agoA Pa11y reporter that generates an HTML report with enhanced support for all runners, including links to relevant help, and the ability to filter accessibility issues by type
published 4.0.1 6 months ago