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Imagemin plugin for `pngquant`
Imagemin plugin for Gifsicle
compass-style asset functions for dart-sass or other sass compilers
Imagemin plugin for OptiPNG
A selector-based html snapshot tool using Puppeteer or PhantomJS that sources sitemap.xml, robots.txt, or arbitrary input
The grunt task for html-snapshots
Get an attribute from a webpage, echo to stdout
Flexible library to generate CSP hashes
small patch for gulp-responsive
- gulpplugin
- gulp
- sharp
- responsive
- img
- images
- picture
- picturefill
- scrset
- image-set
- gulp-responsive
- gulp-responsive-images
A small, fast, no-dep, jump-scroll web component
A small, fast, no-dep, horizontal scroll behavior
A utility to update a single line in multiple files
A library to help build web components
A library to generate hmac and symmetrically encrypted payloads
A command to convert json to collapsible html using stdin/out
Stream files from a Google Drive folder
Turns an old pile of rusty files into a new json data source
Easily build binaries
Higher order React components to report contained DOM element sizes
Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images