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1266 packages found
decorators for reducing repetitive code
simple decorator based validation engine
An ES7 decorator for memoising (caching) a method's response
React state management library
A simple log decorator or (TypeScript) for Nest framework (node.js) unified approach for class and function logging.
Typescript library to serialize classes into json and deserialize json into classes.
Reusable HTTP API request definition library
Simple decorator based validation engine
A TypeScript/ES7 decorator for automatically binding methods to the class instance
Excogitative integration of NestJS
Fast memoization decorator and other helpers with 1st class support for Promises.
Vue typescript class and decorator based component.
Caching functionality with decorators for declarative use.
Decorator-based typescript dependency injection library
property decorators for Vue Component
Koa2 + Typescript = koatty. Use Typescript's decorator implement auto injection.
Lazily evaluates a getter on an object and caches the returned value
Vite plugin for transforming source files with SWC.
## Property Decorator
A library for caching with decorators