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exact matchPushover API for node.js
ioBroker Adapter to send Pushover notifications
Plugin to send Pushover notifications in pimatic
A webserver to expose pushover notifications
A Bash shell script to send pushover notifications.
Get pushover notifications from the CLI (unofficial)
GOV.UK Notify Node.js client
Real time error notifications. Sends push notification to your mobile phone upon a server error (or for any reason you choose). Supports aws sqs queue or pushover notifications.
Library to send notifications with Pushover
Mantine notifications system
Provides an API to fetch push notification tokens and to present, schedule, receive, and respond to notifications.
Client library for Twilio Notifications service
The Push Notifications API provides access to native push notifications.
Advanced Push Notifications (Silent, interactive notifications) for iOS & Android
- react-component
- react-native
- react native
- ios
- push-notifications
- push notifications
- notifications
- notification
- react native notifications
- pushkit
- push-kit
- actionable-notifications
- interactive-notifications
React component for creating notifications on the fly
- react
- react-component
- react-notifications
- notifications-component
- toast-notifications
- toast-component
- notifications
AWS SDK for JavaScript Codestar Notifications Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native
Client library for Twilio Notifications service
The Local Notifications API provides a way to schedule device notifications locally (i.e. without a server sending push notifications).
Notifications category of aws-amplify
amplify-cli notifications plugin