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exact matchThe fastest async handler in node.js
Clerk SDK for NextJS
Module Federation helper for NextJS
Descope NextJS SDK
Nextjs-Cors is a node.js package to provide a middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options in nextjs applications.
Nextjs HTTP Proxy Middleware
Generate sitemap.xml from nextjs pages
Kinde Auth SDK for NextJS
Official Codecov NextJS (Webpack) plugin
Convenience wrappers for using urql with NextJS.
NextJS NProgress implementation
Nhost NextJS library
The easiest way to translate your NextJs apps.
Redirect to any URL in NextJS both in client and server
Convenience wrappers for using urql with NextJS.
Kameleoon SDK NextJS VisitorCodeManager

<div align="center"> <img src="" width="500" alt="Apollo Client + Next.js App Router" /> </div>
NextJS progress bar compatible with new app directory
This package provides building blocks to create framework-level integration of Apollo Client with React's streaming SSR. See the [@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support](