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exact matchAn extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
A metalsmith plugin for layouts
A Metalsmith plugin to render markdown files to HTML
Metalsmith plugin to add filenames to entries
A Metalsmith plugin to convert markdown files.
A Metalsmith plugin to convert to relative paths within HTML.
A LESS plugin for Metalsmith
Sass plugin for Metalsmith.
A metalsmith plugin for in-place templating
A metalsmith plugin for permalinks.
Include static assets in your Metalsmith build
An uglify plugin for Metalsmith.
A metalsmith plugin for generating a sitemap.xml file.
A metalsmith plugin for navigation
Metalsmith plugin to rename entries
A metalsmith plugin to serve the build directory.
A Metalsmith plugin to convert markdown files.
A Metalsmith plugin for paginating arrays and collections.
A Metalsmith plugin to compile SASS/SCSS files
Lightweight gulp plugin for Metalsmith