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Caches data from the Mozilla Developer Network wiki and provides methods to return links to documentation for JavaScript and DOM objects.
Generate documentation of your app/addon from your yuidoc comments
A yuidoc plugin for Gulp
YUIDoc theme for Ember CLI
Robust interactive documentation for your Ember application's source code
A revamped yuidoc theme with bootstrap
A simple YUIDoc theme for single-module libraries.
BAT, the Backbone Application Template; a Yeoman generator collection created by marviq
- backbone
- backbonejs
- browserify
- coffee-script
- coffeescript
- compass
- generator
- handlebars
- jasmine
- karma
- sass
- yeoman
- yeoman-generator
- yuidoc
YUIDoc theme for ember addons
YUIDoc generator plugin for broccoli. simple starter package
A simple YUIDoc theme for DropKick.js
YUIDoc generator for Hexo
YUI Doc theme generation and Confluence connect setup for taking taking yui doc output and inserting it in to a space within Confluence"
YUIDoc document generator for Swint batch task manager(swint-task)
Lint JavaScript in block comment code blocks
yuidocsite ==========
A yuidoc plugin with custom REST API tags support for Gulp
A JavaScript inline documentation-block parser.
A revamped yuidoc theme with bootstrap used within MediaMonks