Search results
206 packages found
A minimal implementation of xstate fsm for UI machines
A faster and more flexible utilities for using Mutative with XState
Put your xstate state machines into a global pinia store.
Core logic for the menu widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the checkbox widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the accordion widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the dialog widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the tabs widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the combobox widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the toast widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the pin-input widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the pagination widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the switch widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the tooltip widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the select widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the number-input widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the avatar widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the radio group widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the slider widget implemented as a state machine
Core logic for the tags-input widget implemented as a state machine