Search results
44 packages found
Web of Things nodes for Node-RED using node-wot
Official Typescript definition type for W3C Thing Model Description
Official Typescript definition type for W3C Thing Description
Web of Thing Application Manager
Fetch-based wrapper of the World of Tank Blitz API.
TypeScript definitions for the W3C WoT Scripting API
Plugin for evrythng.js that adds Barcode, QR code, Image Recognition and OCR scanning to applications.
Mobile UI components built on vue.js
Lib for obtaining player statistics in games made by
Command line interface for wotblitz.js.
Official Javascript SDK for the EVRYTHNG API.
Agent Framework for building the Internet of Things
- internet of things
- internet of wild things
- internet of everything
- web of things
- iot
- m2m
- wot
- agent
- behaviour
- messaging
- ontology
- sensor
- actuator
- json-ld
Javascript SDK to communicate with EVRYTHNG REST API
Node.js client library for the API.
- client library
- api
- rest
- wargaming
- world of tanks
- world of tanks blitz
- world of tanks console
- world of warships
- world of warplanes
- wot
- wotb
- wotx
- wowp
- wows
Basic reimplementation of Express.js for IoT.js or Node
Lightweight Mastodon micro blogging client module supporting IoT.js runtime
Plugin for evrythng.js that adds PubSub connectivity with MQTT and MQTT over WebSockets.