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90 packages found
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A module to teach you how to module.
Crack bilibili workshop WSM files
The future of remote code workshops & training
Boilerplate for frontend-focused NodeSchool lessons
A module to teach you functional programming in JavaScript and basics of RxJS library.
A browser-friendly implementation of substack's terminal-menu
A nodeschool workshop that will make your Ardunio alive with johnny-five
A Workshop for understanding JavaScript prototypes
write adventure verify functions with tape
An intro to koa via a set of self-guided workshops
quickly hack together a nodeschool adventure
module for making play themed workshop apps
learn browserify with this educational adventure
Command line tool to create, preview and export workshops using MOAW platform
A NodeSchool workshop to learn about debugging Node.js applications in production environments.
A nodeschool workshop to learn how smart (iot) things work.
- nodeschool
- johnny-five
- nodebot
- internet of things
- iot
- workshop
- workshopper
- Pleasure in the work puts perfection in the job
- smart devices
- cardboardiot
- mqtt
module for making wizardamigos themed workshop apps
Kodemaker Workshop Oppgave MineSweeper
Workshopper for learning how to use w3up - a UCAN based upload service for IPFS and Filecoin.