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sass plugin that dosn't suck and has source-maps
less plugin for wintersmith
A Wintersmith plugin to generate a sitemap.xml file
Minimalistic plugin to connect wintersmith with nap
Browserify plugin for Wintersmith
Nunjucks templates for Wintersmith
A Wintersmith plugin to manipulate contents
Pandoc plugin for Wintersmith
handlebars plugin for wintersmith
A Wintersmith plugin to generate a CNAME file
LiveReload plugin for Wintersmith
rss feed generator for wintersmith
A Wintersmith plugin to manage environment-specific settings
stylus plugin for wintersmith
A Wintersmith plugin for keeping search engines at bay. (Robots.txt)
Content plugin for Wintersmith to include files asis
A Wintersmith plugin to revise static files
LiveScript plugin for wintersmith
swig plugin for witnersmith
A fully configurable Wintersmith plugin for compiling Sass with Node Sass.