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We.js is a node.js framework for build real time applications, sites or blogs!
We.js authentication plugin, add suport to passport and auth routes
We.js vocabulary, terms and tags plugin
We.js plugin with event features
We.js comments plugin
We.js file plugin with suport to storages
We.js local storage plugin, save files to one folder inside the host
We.js menu and links plugin
We.js email plugin
We.js forms plugin
We.js messenger plugin
Role-based access control (RBAC) for We.js framework
Add html response format and views with theme system
We.js notification plugin
We.js groups, posts and membership plugin
We.js flag plugin
We.js Passport oauth2 password grant strategy plugin
We.js user resource and routes
We.js we-plugin-gov-br plugin
We.js we-plugin-widget plugin