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WeChat JS-SDK integration with NodeJS and Web
isbot for nodejs, Contains most of the world's bot or spider
- bot
- spider
- googlebot
- googlespider
- baidu
- yahoobot
- yahoospider
- yahoo
- 360
- sogou
- user agent
- china
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微信公众平台NodeJS开发包, weixin developer SDK for NodeJS.
Wechaty is a RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers.
微信支付 for nodejs,创建统一支付订单,查询订单,关闭订单,申请退款,查询退款详情,企业付款,即转账到个人微信钱包,查询企业付款详情 Payment API of Weixin (WeChat) for APP and also JSAPI
- weixin
- payment
- node
- 微信
- 支付
- 公众号支付
- node 支付
- 微信支付
- weixin node
- wechat node
- weixin nodejs
- wechat nodejs
- nodejs
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nodejs wrapper of wechat(weixin) api - well tested and bug-free
Push All In One!支持 Server酱(以及 Server 酱³)、自定义邮件、钉钉机器人、企业微信机器人、企业微信应用、pushplus、iGot 、Qmsg、息知、PushDeer、Discord、OneBot、Telegram 等多种推送方式
- push
- server-chan
- serverchan
- server-chan-turbo
- server-chan-v3
- custom-email
- nodemailer
- dingtalk
- weixin
- pushplus
- push+
- iGot
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A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
A nodejs module for WeChat Enterprise Account APIs
nodejs weixin api
Puppet WeChat for Wechaty
passport strategy for authenticating with wechat
Next-Generation WeChat JS-SDK integration with NodeJS and Axios
🌇WXML parser and serializer.
- wxml
- vivaxy
- wxml-parser
- wxml-serializer
- wxml-traverser
- wxml-stringifier
- parse-wxml
- serialize-wxml
- traverse-wxml
- stringify-wxml
- weixin
- mp
- wxmp
- miniprogram
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wechat pay by nodejs
使用 uniapp命令行启动微信小程序时,能自动打开微信开发者工具