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18 packages found
A tiny zero-dependency library to format coins, primarily for crypto, with broader applications as well.
- cryptocurrency
- currency-format
- coin
- ethereum
- bitcoin
- crypto-formatting
- wei
- satoshis
- blockchain
- decimal-conversion
- precision-formatting
- currency-utils
- crypto-utils
The web3number npm package simplifies the handling of numerical values within the web3 environment, offering versatile functionalities for converting web3 BigNumber to human-readable formats with options for thousands separators and decimal precision. It
The web3number npm package simplifies the handling of numerical values within the web3 environment, offering versatile functionalities for converting web3 BigNumber to human-readable formats with options for thousands separators and decimal precision. It
Simple way to check ether balance of an account address.
This package converts cryptocurrency units
This package converts cryptocurrency units
Interface to the wei P2P network for Weicore
An intuitive and precise Ethereum converter tool, adept at handling wei, eth, and custom token units, all built on the robust bignumber.js
A pure and powerful JavaScript Wei library.
x11 javascript hashing algorithm in pure javascript
Wei Client Library to connect to Wei Core (weid) via RPC
Formatting and value conversion for ethereum currencies.
Simple way to check ether balance of an account address.
This is an array function test.
Convert between token units and ether units
Convert the human-readable of cryptocurrency number to minimum units, depending on their decimal fractions.