Search results
24 packages found
Node.js implementation of the Web Bluetooth Specification
Web Bluetooth library for micro:bit
Device firmware update with Web Bluetooth
A pure Javascript API for the Seneca Multi Smart Calibrator (MSC) device, using web bluetooth.
- web-bluetooth
- seneca
- multi smart calibrator
- javascript
- bluetooth
- metering
- measurements
- automation
- testing
Device firmware update with Web Bluetooth
Web Bluetooth API and interactive device picker for node.js
Abstraction library following Web Bluetooth specification for hiding differences in JavaScript BLE APIs
[Not official] iQOS Device BLE Communication Library
A Bluetooth Low Energy MIDI library written in javascript.
Redux middleware to dispatch actions via bluetooth to a peripheral store
A browser-friendly Javascript API for the IOTester custom board, using web bluetooth.
Bluetooth Websocket API - a JavaScript library that provides a simple WebSocket API to find, connect and interact with Bluetooth devices.
npm package for interfacing with SensorTile boards using the Web Bluetooth API
cocorokit javascript sdk
cocorokit+ JavaScript SDK
> A react hook thet helps you to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) over WebBluetooth
Library for interacting with Bluetooth 4.0 devices through the browser.
- abstraction
- ble
- bluetooth
- browser
- client
- developer
- developer tool
- experimental
- framework
- internet of things
- library
- web-bluetooth
Web Bluetooth based JS library for connecting to a smart toothbrush from your browser
konashi Web Bluetooth SDK