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Port of C's wcwidth() and wcswidth()
ESLint plugin for Web Components
Web Components wrapper class for React
Validate the name of a custom element
Port of C's wcwidth() and wcswidth()
a javascript porting of C's wcwidth()
A package for working with strings where the different characters have different sizes.
Terminal string based on wcsize
Derived from visualwidth-js this package identifies the size of one characterCode in terminals
Scaffolding Tool for the fusion of lit with tailwind. DRY development in the speed of light with the zero configuration build tool parcel, playwright and jest testing. jenkinsCI ready.
Counts the number of lines in a file.
Count number of lines in a file in a fast asynchronous fashion.
Add notifications component easily using wc-toast. Vanilla JavaScript web component notification inspired by react-hot-toast
WCEX - Web Component Extends
Web component to allow an author to control styling based on the size of a containing element rather than the size of the user’s viewport
Web component to simplify responsive content area layout using CSS Grid
A simple Vue.js component to embed calendly in your web app
Karma preprocessor to resolve bare module imports to `node_modules` folder
Connects react Native to WooCommerce API
- woocommerce
- react native
- react
- native
- android
- ios
- mobile
- woocom
- wordpress
- permalink
- wordpress-permailink
- wordpresspermailink
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An extensible form library that can be used as a custom element